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Shops and markets

[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9328

2. When students are familiar with the language structure ‘a ____ with _____’, invite a few of the more able students to talk about their ideal school uniforms, e.g. I prefer a shirt with a blue collar/a dress with a pink belt/a pair of trousers with checks, etc.

3. Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.

4. Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.

Post-task activity

Workbook page 24


Grammar Practice Book 7B page 34


Language focus:

Using the simple present tense to express feelings

e.g. I like the jeans with the blue belt.

Using prepositional phrases to describe objects

e.g. I also like the blue T-shirt with the round neck.

Using adjectives to describe objects

e.g. It’s size small.medium/large.

Language skills:


Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements (including approval and disapproval), commands, and respond appropriately

Listen for specific information


Use appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speed to convey intended meanings and feelings.

Use gestures and facial expression to convey meaning and intention

Open an interaction by greeting someone in an appropriate manner

Maintain an interaction by replying


Gather and share information, ideas and language by using strategies such as listing

Develop written texts by expressing own ideas and feelings

Write out a piece of work by presenting writing using appropriate layout and visual support including illustrations, tables, charts where necessary


Student’s Book 7B page 46

Cassette 7B and a cassette player

Photocopiable pages 36 and 83.

Three T-shirts of different sizes.

Some pieces of paper


Cue the cassette. Make a copy of Photocopiable pages 36 and 83 for each student. Bring three T-shirts of different sizes to class.

Pre-task preparation

1. Show the class the T-shirts of different size. Say: This is size small/medium. Hold any one T-shirt in your hands and say: This T-shirt suits me. It’s size ______ .

2. Ask the class: Which size of clothes do you usually wear? To elicit: Size small/medium/large.

3. Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.

4. Students work in pairs and read the dialogue in Look, ask and answer. Tell them to look at the clothes on page 45 of the Student’s Book again. Then pairs take turns to be the customer and the shop assistant. Walk around, offering help and guidance to the less able students.

5. Invite a few pairs to role-play the customer and the shop assistant in front of the class.


Grammar Practice Book 7B pages 35 and 37

Photocopiable pages 37 to 43



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

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