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Module 11 National heroes

[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9956

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 Module 11 National heroes

一. 教学内容:

Module 11 National heroes

二. 重点、难点:


三. 具体内容:



1. 肯定句:主语+ 动词的过去式~

2. 否定句:主语+ did not + 动词原形~

3. 疑问句:Did + 主语 + 动词原形~?

4. 特殊疑问句:When/ where/ why / who/ which/ How Did + 主语 + 动词原形~?


(1)When did you get up this morning ? At six.

今天早晨你几点钟起床的? 六点钟。

(2)How many subjects did you study last term? 上学期你们学习几门功课?

We studied seven. 我们学习七门课。

(3)When did he die? 他什么时候去世的?

He died in 1919. 他1919年去世的。

(4)Why didn’t they want them? 他们为什么不想要他们(来修铁路)?

Because they wanted a Chinese engineer for a Chinese railroad.


(5)How long did the space flight last?航天飞行持续了多久?

eg. It last 21 hours. 持续了21个小时


1. What did you think of the film about Zhan Tianyou on television last night?


What do you think of…? 用来询问某人对某一事物的看法。

What did you think of the book Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone? 你觉得《哈里•波特和魔法石》这部书怎么样?

What do you think of our new teacher?你觉得我们的新老师怎么样?

2. It was very difficult to build because it was in the mountains and there were many bridges and tunnels.


It 是形式主语,代替to build.

3. H e was the engineer of a railroad in the mountains with many bridges and tunnels.


with many bridges and tunnels 为介词短语作定语,修饰railroad

4. A few days ago he was Yang Liwei , the pilot, with a wife and a young son.


句中the pilot和Yang Liwei 是同位语,with a wife and a young son 是介词短语作定语,修饰前面的名词。

5. Last Wednesday the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft orbited the Earth 14 times and reached an altitude of 343 kilometres .


6. china is now the third country, after the Soviet Union and the USA, to send a person into space.


to send a person into space 是动词不定式作定语修饰country; after the Soviet Union and the USA用于说明the third country,可以放在句首或句末。

7. Yang Liwei was born in Liaoning Province and in 1987 he joined the Chinese Air Force and was a pilot.


Air force 空军 Army陆军 Navy海军

8. He waved to everyone on Earth. 他向地球上的每个人招手。


一. 请用正确动词形式填空。

1. I _________(have)an exciting party last weekend.

2. _________ she ________(practice)her guitar yesterday ? No, she ________.

3. What ________ Tom _______(do)on Saturday evening?

He _______(watch)TV and _______(read)an interesting book.

4. They all _________(go)to the mountains yesterday morning.

5. She _________(not visit)her aunt last weekend. She ______(stay)at home and ______(do)some cleaning.

6. When ________ you ________(write)this song?

7. My friend, Carol, ______(study)for the math test and _______(practice) English last night.

8. ________ Mr. Li __________(do)the project on Monday morning? Yes, he _________.

9. How _________(be)Jim’s weekend? It _______(be not)bad.

10. _______(be)your mother a sales assistant last year? No. she __________.

答案:1. had 2. Did, practice ; didn’t 3. did, do, watched, read

4. went 5. didn’t visit, stayed 6. did, write 7. studied, practiced

8. Did do 9. was, was not 10. Was, wasn’t

二. 选用连词and, but, or, so填空。

1. Han Mei was ill, ______ she still went to work.

2. You may go to Shanghai ______ Guangzhou.

3. He helps me______ I help him.

4. I have many things to do, ______ I can’t go there with you.

5. Jack watched TV yesterday, ______ Jim watched TV, too.

6. It was hard work, ______ they really enjoyed it.

7. Call a taxi, ______ you will miss the train.


1. but 2. or 3. and 4. so 5. and 6.and 7. or

三. 选择填空

1. Was he at work _________?

A. now B. next week C. next Sunday D. yesterday

2. Do you know why she ______ at home last night?

A. isn’t B. wasn’t C. not D. not in

3. One of the girls ______ under the tree last night.

A. was sitting B. are sitting   C. is siting D. were siting

4. He went there ______ and ______there for three days.

A. three days before, stay B. for three days, stay

C. before three days, stayed D. three days ago, stayed

5. I couldn’t swim when I was young, she couldn’t, _______.

A. too B. either C. also D./

6. What did you_______ your vacations?

A. think B. think of C. thought D. thought of

7. We will finish _______ the Olympic Park soon.

A. build B. built C. building D. to build

8. It’s very nice _______ pictures for me.

A. of you to take B. for you to take C. for you taking D. of you taking

9. Li Zicheng is a real person _______ history.

A. in B. of the C. of D. in the

10. Do you think _______ difficult to read an English story?

A. this B. that C. it D. its

11. _______ your help, I’ve caught up with my classmates.

A. Because B. Thank for C. Thanks D. Thanks to

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