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Module 11 National heroes

[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9956

12. A group of_____ on their way back to _______.

A. Germans are, German B. Germans is, Germany

C. German is, German D. German, Germany

13. Jim ______ in China a few weeks ago.

A. arrives B. has arrived C. is arriving D. arrived

14. —________ does it take you from your school to the library ? —About five minutes.

A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How far

15. Miss Li and Miss Wang are _________ from Shanghai.

A. woman teachers B. woman teacher

C. women teachers D. women teacher

16. What ________ we are having today!

A. the fine weather B. a fine weather C. fine a weather D. fine weather

17. There are fifty-six ________ in China.

A. people B. peoples C. people’s D. of people

18. I like eating ____. My grandma raises a lot of ___ in the country.

A. chicken, chicken B. chickens, chickens

C. chicken, chickens D. chickens, chicken

19. ________ in our class ________ fifty-two.

A. The number of the student, is B. The number of the students, is

C. A number of the students, are D. A number of the student, is

20. All the people looked at the man __________.

A. at surprise B. by surprise C. to surprise D. in surprise

答案:1—5 DBADB 6—10 BCAAC 11—15 DBDCC 16—20 DBCAD



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