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七年级英语Making friends教案

[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9519

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七年级英语Making friends教案





(3)学生能用不同的句型来介绍个人信息,如:My …’s name is…; His/Her favourite hobby is…; He/She is …years old, …centimeters high. He/She lives in…etc。


情感、态度与价值观: 培养学生的听力能力和善于捕捉信息的能力


I Sing a song.

II. Duty report (Ask the students some Wh-questions about the duty reporter)

III. Listening

1. Get ready for the listening.

Pay attention to the words: length n.长度, height n.高度, birth n.出生, blond adj.金色的.

2. Explain how to do the two parts of the listening.

A. Fill in the blanks in the table for the first time to listen.

B. Write the numbers 1-4 under the correct photos for the second time to listen.

3.Read the dialogues after finishing the listening. Pay attention to the Wh-questions.

IV. Practice in pairs.

1. Practice the dialogues in pairs.


Your deskmate:…

You: What colour is your hair?

Your deskmate : It’s _________(brown).

You: How long is your hair?

Your deskmate : It’s_________(very long).

You: What colour are your eyes?

Your deskmate : _____________(Brown).

You: How tall are you?

Your deskmate : I’m ___________(155) cm tall.

You: Where are you from?

Your deskmate : I am from _________(the UK).

You: What’s your favourite sport?

Your deskmate : _____________(Tennis).

You: What’s your best subject?

Your deskmate :…


Your deskmate :…

2.Then fill in the information in the table.

Name Age



Best subject

Dream job

3. Introduce your deskmate to the class

My deskmate is ______________. He/She is ____________.

He/She has ________________hair and ___________eyes.

His/Her favourite hobby is ____________

His/Her best subject is _____________.

And he/she wants to be _____________.

V. Doing a guessing game.

Who is the winner of the game:________________________________________________.


Describe one of your favorite teachers in our school!

My favourite teacher

_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

标签: friends   初一英语教案
