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初一英语A trip to the zoo教案

[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9667

■Vocabulary and reading

1 Find these places on the map.

This is a world map. What can you see on the map? We can see Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, North America and South America on the map. The desert is in Africa. Camels live in Africa. There are African camels in the desert. Camels eat grass and don’t often drink. The grassland is in Australia. There are many sheep in Australia. They are Australian sheep. They eat grass and like drinking.

Africa America Asia Oceania Europe

2 Match the places with these words.

Hi, class! There is an elephant in our zoo. It is an Asian elephant. It comes from Asia. It likes water very much. Does that monkey come from America? Yes, it does. It is an American monkey. It likes to play and always eats fruit. What does that wolf eat? It eats meat. It doesn’t eat vegetables. Where does it come from? It comes from Europe. It’s European. Now, do you know how to use these new words? Practice them in your speaking. Pay attention to their spellings and pronunciations.

Africa→ African America→ American Asia→ Asian

Oceania→ Oceania Europe→ European

3 Look at the map again and complete the sentences.

Look at the map again. We can see four small pictures around the map. What are these pictures about? What can these pictures tell us? Is the desert in Africa? Yes, it is. The desert is in Africa. Where is the grassland? The grassland is in Oceania. Complete the sentences below with the words in the map.

The desert is in Africa.

The forest is in Asia, North America and South America.

The grassland is in Oceania.

The jungle is in Europe.

4 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Now we are going to read the text.

This is a text about animals around the world. There are six kinds of animals here. Each of them is different from the others. Some of them like water. While some live in the desert and don’t often drink water. Some of them come from the grassland. While some come from the jungle. Read the text and try to get the meaning of it.

While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions.

Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.

Now we read the text once again. This time pay attention to the details of the text. Choose the correct answers for the following questions. Pay attention to the sentence structure. After you choose the correct answers, please read aloud the complete sentences.

Does the camel eat fruit? Yes,it does./No,it doesn’t.

Is the camel African? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

Does the elephant like water? Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t.

Is the elephant Asian? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

Is the kangaroo Australian? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.

Does the monkey live in the desert? Yes, it does/No, it doesn’t.

Is the snake from the Arctic? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

Does the snake eat meat? Yes,it does./No,it doesn’t.

Is the wolf European? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

Does the wolf eat fruit? Yes, it does./No,it doesn’t.


5 Write the places with capital letters.

Now we are going to study a new rule of writing. Words of places are written with capital letters. For example, we visit Beijing Zoo. The monkey comes from South America. The elephant is African. Pleas write the places with capital letters in the following passage.

Unit 3 Language in use

■Warming up

Hi, class. We learn a lot about animals in this module. They are interesting. But today we shall do something uninteresting. We put language in use. That is we shall learn about English Grammar and English Vocabulary.


Does the panda come from China?

Yes, it does.

Is the kangaroo Australia?

Yes, it is

1 Look, ask and answer about the animals after Daming and Tony.

On page 58 Daming and Tony are talking about the panda Meimei and the monkey Lingling. Can you ask and answer about these two lovely animals as Daming and Tony do?

A: Does Meimei come from Sichuan, China?

B: Yes, it does.

A: What is his favourite food?

B: It is bamboo.

A: What is his favourite activity?

B: It is climbing trees.

A: What is this monkey’s name?

B: It is Lingling.

A: Where does it come from?

B: It comes from Sichuan, China.

A: What is his favourite food?

B: It is fruit.

A: What is his favourite activity?

B: it is jumping and climbing trees.

2 Write down the questions and answers of your partner.

Work with your partner. Please write down the questions and answers of your partner. Ask as many questions about Meimei and Lingling as you can. Use your imagination.

---Does Meimei come from Sichuan, China?

---Yes, it does.

Does Meimei like to eat bamboos?

Yes, it does.

Does Meimei like jumping trees?

Yes, it doesn’t. It likes climbing trees.

Does Lingling come from Guangdong, China?

No, it doesn’t. It comes from Sichuan, China.

Does Lingling like fruit?

Yes, it does.

Does Lingling like jumping and climbing trees?

Yes, it does.

3 Write sentences.

Do you see the differences among these sentences here? You are right. The verbs are different. For example, the panda eats bamboos. Pandas eat bamboos. The giraffe lives in grassland. Giraffes live in grassland. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb.

The elephant likes (like) water.

1 The snake comes (come) from America.

2 Snakes live (live) in Asia, Africa, America, Australia and Europe.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
