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初一英语What time do you go to school导学案

[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9831

Eg: Tom_____often______ _______ school. Tom

He______ _______ for meeting. 他开会没有迟到。



( )1. The bus usually ________ him to work.

A. take B. takes C. / D. bring

( )2. I usually go to school _____ seven o'clock.

A. at B. in C. on D. for

( )3. — What's the time? —__________ nine fifteen.

A. The time is B. It's C. At D. This is

( )4.Rick _____at seven o’clock in the morning.

A.go to school B.goes to schoolC.to go to school D.goes to the school


1. People love ___________ (listen) to him.

2. He _____(brush) his teeth and ______(have) a shower..

3. It's 7 o'clock. Let's _____ (go) home.

4. Our teacher works 8 ______(hour)a day in the school..

5. It ______(be) six-thirty in the morning now. The Smiths

always_____(have) supper at this time.

6. What_____Mary_____(do) on Sunday morning?

She often _____ (clean) her room.

7. Scott_____(work) very long hours.

8. She_______(go) to bed at 9:30 p.m.


1. 熟记本课的单词,短语,重点句型和知识点。

2. 小组和作完成3c的调查表,并写出调查报告,



课型:新授课 课时:第三课时(section B 1a—1f) 主备人:王晓燕


1. 知识目标:熟练掌握本课单词和短语:,best, group,half, past,

quarter, homework, do one’s homework, run, walk, clean, take a walk

掌握句型:---When do students usually eat dinner?

---They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.



【重点】 学会谈论自己或别人的日常生活,询问及表述时间。

【难点】 在训练听说能力的基础上继续谈论人们的日常生活。


1. 根据汉语写单词、短语

一半、半数 晚于;过(时间) 一刻钟

家庭作业 做作业 奔、跑

打扫、弄干净 行走、步行 散步;走走

2. 翻译下列句子。

1. Tom一般几点起床?他一般4点15起床。

What time _____ Tom ______ _____ up?

He usually ____ ______ _____ 4:15 .

2. 人们一般都什么时候吃晚饭?一般在晚上吃。

What time ____ people usually _______ ________ ?

People usually ____ ______ in ____ ______.

3. 你经常几点吃早饭?

What time _____ _____ ______ ______ _______?

4. 你的哥哥几点淋浴?他经常在七点淋浴。


5. 我姑姑喜欢在中午一点吃午餐。

My _______ likes ________ dinner _______ 1:00.


1. 小组代表向全班同学展示调查结果,其他同学评价。

2. 独立完成1a 将行为与时间匹配。

3. 1b, 两人一组,利用1a中的短语,练习对话,


4. 听录音,完成活动1c,1d,组内检查。


6. 两人一组,对Tom一天的活动情况进行问答练习。



1. 整点法: 时间为整点时,可用“整点数+o’clock”表示。


It’s five o’clock. /It’s five.现在五点整。

2. 顺读法: “先时后分”,先读整点数,再读分钟数,

都用基数词来读。遇到数字0,读字母O的音。6:30读作six thirty

2:58读作two fifty-eight 4:05读作four o five.

3. 逆读法: a.分钟数小于30,用“分钟数+past+整点数”表示;

b.分钟数为30时,用“half past+整点数”表示;


d.分钟数是15时,可用a quarter表示。

8:10 读作ten past eight 1:30 读作half past one 5:56 读作four to six

10:15 读作a quarter past ten 5:45 读作 a quarter to six





1. half past six 2. seven thirty 3. a quarter past nine _

4. ten to ten 5. three o’clock 6. four twenty-five

【检测反馈】 一. 用两种方法表示下列时间

1:05 5:30

8:56 11:15

9:45 6:25

二. 单项选择题

( )1. He is one of my friends. A. good B. better C. best D. well

( )2. He up at six o’clock.

A. get usually B. usually goes C. usually get D. usually gets

( )3. My father always goes to bed 10 o’clock ______ night.

A. at, at B. in, at C. on, / D. at, /

三. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. Alice often ( go ) to school at seven—fifteen.

2. What time her father (get)home?

3. she wants (brush)her teeth.

4. When your uncle often (start)his work?

5. Some students (play)sports every day.



课型:新授课 课时:第四课时(section B 2a—self check) 主备人:王晓燕


1. 知识目标:熟练掌握本课单词和短语:quickly, either, lot,

either…or…, lots of, sometimes, taste, life

掌握句型:①I either watch TV or play computer games.

②It tastes good.

③She eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.








【自主预习】 英汉互译。

1. 在下午_________ 2.在傍晚、晚上________ 3.做家庭作业________

4. 回家________ 5. have breakfast__________ 6. eat dinner

7. 很快地 8. 或者,也 9. 要么……要么……

10. 大量;许多 11. 有时 12. 品尝

13. go to bed early 14. eat ice-cream

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标签: school   初一英语教案
