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My favorite subject is science教案及反思

[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9622

Purpose  通过师生的猜科目单词来活跃课堂气氛,同时又让同学们轻易地学会这节课的单词。然后再通过练习对话让同学熟悉今天课题的句型,有助于锻炼学生的英语表达和运用能力。

Step 3 Play a game Show some famous people’s picture and their favorite  subject in ppt and ask students to keep them in mind.

And then ask what those famous people’s favorite subjects are. Students look  at the ppt and keep them in mind.

Students answer the questions.

Step 4

Fill in the blanks

Ask students to finish the excise in ppt

Students fill the blanks in ppt.

Translation exercise Show some useful related sentence structure in ppt.

When do you have + subject?

I have + subject on …

Ask students to translate the sentences in ppt into English. Students pay  attention to the ppt.

Students finish the translation exercise.

Purpose 通过利用有些明星的照片以及他们喜欢的科目来引起学生的兴趣以及加深学生对单词和句型的理解与运用。  再通过填空练习和翻译练习来巩固学生的知识。

Step 4

Homework 1. 制作一个班级的英文课程表上交。

2. 完成练习册的unit9的section A 部分。

Purpose 帮助学生复习单词和检测学生对本节课的掌握程度。


language goals: different name of different subjects

sentence partners:

What is your favorite subject?

Why do you like …?

Because it is …

课后反思:  整个课时的设计比较合理,引入生动自然,贴切,能使学生快速明了课题的主要话题,各个教学步骤衔接自然、过度流畅。教学方法比较丰富。如用一个有任务型教学,视听型教学,还有很多活动,让学生在贴切语境中体会和掌握目标语言。







教学策略:Communicative approach, task-based language teaching method, cooperation  .


Teaching steps Name of activity/task Teacher’s activities Students’  activities

Step1 Revision Warming up

Ask and Answer

Ask some of the students what’s their favorite subject and why do they like  the subject. The student being asked should use the sentence pattern: My  favorite subject is...; Because it is... Then the student being asked should ask  other students what are their favorite subjects? And use the sentence pattern:  what’s (his, her, Bob’s...) favorite subject?; Why does Bob like...? When is  your...class? Who’s your...teacher? And answer like: His/her favorite subject  is...

Purpose 帮助学生回顾已经学过的学科表达,拓展运用特殊疑问句句型。

Step2 Grammar focus Explaining Guide students to understand how to use what,  who, why, and when to ask questions and how to answer the question including  what, why, how, and when. Listen carefully and answer the teacher’s  question.

Purpose 通过解释特殊疑问句的提问和回答,让学生做下一步的活动做好准备。

Step3 Guessing game Game playing Show some pictures of the students in the  class and ask other students to guess their favorite subjects. And use what,  why, who, and when to ask and answer questions. Guess the favorite subjects of  the students in the pictures. Ask and answer questions.

Purpose 通过游戏引起学生兴趣,并在实际口语交际中应用特殊疑问句的句型。

Step4 Practice Pair work Ask students to make dialogue with their partner use  the sentence pattern: What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is...Why  do you like...? Because it is... Who is your...teacher? My...teacher is... When  is your...class? It is on... Discuss and make dialogue with their partner and  show thir dialogue to the class.

Purpose 通过对话练习让学生学会运用特殊疑问句提问和回答问题。

Step5 The usage of the language points Fill in the blanks Guide students to  do the exercise in 3a and 3b, and then check the answers. Do the exercise  carefully and exchange their answers with their partner to make sure the answers  are correct.

Purpose 巩固语法知识,通过练习让学生掌握特殊疑问句的句型特点和运用。

Step6 Interview and report Guide the students to do the interview in 3c. The  students are divided into several groups. Then give the survey to the students  to discuss and show an example for them how to fill out the survey and do a  report. What’s more, they should find out the one who has the same favorite  subject. Students are required to do the survey in their group

Name Favorite subject Reason Teacher

and then the group leader should make a report in front of the class. Find  out those who has the same favorite subject.

Purpose 让学生在掌握了目标语法知识的基础上进一步把重要语法和句型应用到真实情景中,实现语法知识与交际活动的结合运用。


Review the sentence patterns

What’s your favorite subject?

Why do you like...?



Review what we have learned this class.

Do the after-class exercise on Grammar.


Unit 9 My favorite subject is science?

What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is...

Why do you like... Because it is...

Who is your...teacher? My...teacher is...

When is your...class? It is on...

课后反思:本节课围绕语法知识的理解和应用,让学生逐步掌握特殊疑问句的提问和回答,  对语言目标有更深层的巩固。通过调查报告,强化了语法知识的实际应用。并在报告后找出有相同最喜欢的学科的同学,可以使学生之间互相了解,增进同学之间的感情。课堂设置活动多为学生之间的交流互动,如果学生基础不够好,不够配合,可能由于时间限制不能顺利完成本节课的任务,达不到预期目的。

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标签: science   初一英语教案
