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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9588

4.Jim_________(not take)a walk in the park now.

5.Where _________Jim ____________ photos now?  In the park.

6..Mr Green _____(be) a worker. Now he ____(work) in the office..

7. He      (leave)for Shanghai two days ago.

8. I saw him       (walk)on the street last night.

9. Don’t let him      (wait)for too long.

10. Thanks for _______(enjoy) CCTV show.

四. 完形填空

An Englishman was on his way home. One day, he found that he had only enough(足够的)   1   to buy a ship ticket home. He knew that it would take him only two days to   2   to England, so he thought he could   3   the two days with no food. Then he bought a ticket and got on the ship. It was time   4   lunch. He didn’t go to have it. In the   5   he said that he didn’t   6   well and went to bed early.

The next day he was too   7  . “I’m going to eat something,” he said, “even if they throw(扔) me    8   the sea.” He ate everything in front of him. “  9   me the bill(帐单),” he said. “The bill, sir?” asked the waiter. “Yes,” answered the Englishman. “There isn’t any bill,” the waiter was   10  . “On the ship the ticket includes(包括) meals.”

(  ) 1. A. food      B. money      C. time

(  ) 2. A. arrive     B. walk        C. get

(  ) 3. A. spend     B. make       C. stay

(  ) 4. A. for        B. to         C. of

(  ) 5. A. morning   B. evening     C. night

(  ) 6. A. think      B. eat         C. feel

(  ) 7. A. hungry     B. thirsty      C. awful

(  ) 8. A. out        B. on         C. into

(  ) 9. A. Take       B. Bring      C. Find

(  ) 10. A. relaxed     B. surprised    C. tired




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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语暑假作业
