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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9220


1. They      (leave) for Beijing yesterday .

2. Listen! Tom’s sister     (sing) for her good frends now .

3. My mother decides     (buy)a gift for me .

4. I enjoy    (study) English with my classmates .

5. We would like      (have) a job for you as a reporter .

6. Where    you    (go) on vacation last month ?

7. Old Tom    (visit) the Great Wall again last week .

8. The boy     (do) morning exercises every morning .

9. There     (be) a football match yesterday afternoon .

10. There      (be) an English evening next Sunday .

11. Jim is good at    (shop) .

12. We enjoy ourselves    (learn) and    (speak)English .

13. The movie makes us     (relax) .

14. How about     (eat) ice cream ?

15. Each of the students in our class    (be) of mediem build .

16. Please     (put) your bike under the big tree .

17. The students       (not have) a class meeting yesterday .

18. Who     (teach) you English this year ?

19. Look! The bus      (come) .

19. The children here like     (make) some interesting kites .

20. Jack has to    (work) hard because he falls behind .

21.     (not be) late for class .

22. What else    she    (have) to do next?

23. There    (be) an English party next Friday .

24.     (not fight) with each other in your school .

25. I hear Tom’s sister    (sing) in her room now .

26. It’s too hot .Do you mind my    (open) the windows ?

27. You had better    (wear) sunglasses to protect(保护) your eyes .

28. The teacher asks us    (not talk) in class .

29. I think    (swim) is good for your health .

30. We must      (work) very hard and make great progress(取得很大步) .

31. Thank you for      (give) us so good ideas .

32. I saw a little boy      (lie) on the ground just now .

33. There     (be) a lot of rain in the south of China last year .

34. We can’t      (live) without water and food .

35. How many sheep      (be) there on the farm last year ?

36. The old man watched some boys       (play) at five o’clock yesterday .

37. Can you finish       (write) the article this evening ?

38. Yesterday we      (have) a math test .I      (get) full marks .

39. One of my classmates want       (be ) an English teacher in the future .

40. Everyone in our class       (enjoy)their holiday .

41. What     your father     (look) like ?

42. There     (be) no water and no air on the moon .

43. Your friend         (wait) for you over there .

44. He often practices      (run) in the morning .

45.      (listen) to your teacher carefully in class!

46. She never      (arrive) late for class .

47. No      (talk) in the classroom .

48. You mustn’t        (take) the mobile phone into the classroom .

49. It’s not good       (sing) in class .

50. Today is a good day for        (walk) for everyone .

第五部分    参考答案



1.A friend of mine ( I ) will come to see me.(I)                      2.The policeman tells us (we ) not to play football in the street.               3.---- Help yourself (you) to some fish.    ---- Thank you.               4.It’s not difficult work. We can do it all by ourselves(we).         5.Is this her watch? No, it is not hers (she).                           6.These photos are ours (we). They are not yours (your).               7.There is some toys in the store. isn’t (be) there?                  8.I want to build (build ) a large spaceship.                         9.She goes (go ) to a shop with the paper.                                   10.Can you carry (carry) it?                                              11.I’d like to tell (tell ) you something about my dream.                   12.Lily writes (write ) the answer on the paper quickly.                       13.They are playing (play) football in the playground now.                 14.Look! My mother is cooking (cook).                                         15.He is a very funny man(fun).                  16.It is a sunny day (sun).                    17.My father is a driver (drive).                 18.We plant (plant) trees every year. Now we are planting (plant) trees on both sides of this road.                                                     19.Li Ming often goes (go) to school by bus.                        20.--- Do you often learn (learn) English?   --- Yes, I do.         21.--- When does she usually watch (watch) TV?                        --- She usually watches (watch) TV on Saturday evening.              22.--- Do they often listen (listen ) to popular songs?                   --- Yes, they do. They often listen (listen ) to popular songs twice a week.                                                        23.---What does he like doing (do) in the morning?                        --- He likes (like) reading English.                                    24.--- Do you like skating (skate)?                                ---No, I don’t. I like playing (play) baseball.                            25. Classes begin (begin) at 8:00 every day.                                26.She has(have) black eyes.                                     27.She is a good student. She often helps (help) her classmates.    28.Please sit (sit) down.                                         29.He has (have) a very beautiful toy.                                   30.Mary reads (read) the English book now.                             31.You cannot  please (please) all the people at the same time.              32.The old farmer rides (ride) on the horse, but his son walks (walk). 33.I want to buy (buy) some apples.                                      34.He often plays (play) basketball in the afternoons.                        35.School begins (begin) classes at 8:00 every morning.            36.She is going to buy (buy) some new magazines.                            37.Mr Black is thinking about (think about) a difficult question.  38.We’ll go (go) to Hangzhou by train tomorrow.                         39.Lily always takes (take)  a long vacation in summer.                  40.Your coat looks (look) very beautiful.                              41.Excuse me, can you tell (tell) me the way to the post office?       42.She always  wears (wear)  a red coat.                            43.Kate is doing (do) her homework now.                                44.The teacher asks (ask) Tom to open the door.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语暑假作业
