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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9804

Our school is in a 46 town. You can’t find it on the map. In our school there is an 47 garden. In the middle of the garden there is a 48 apple tree. After class the 49 students often have a rest under it. Near the garden there is a library. You can read the books in the reading room, But you must be 50 in it and keep the room clean.



Tom and Jim are brothers. They are from Australia. Tom is 14 years old and Jim is 13 years old. They speak English and French. Now they are in China. Their family is in China. There are five people in their family. They are their parents, their sister and them. Their mother is a teacher, Their father is a doctor. Their sister is very young. She doesn’t go to school. She goes to a kindergarten(幼儿园). They say China is a very interesting place. They like China.


( )51. Tom is from _______.

A. America B. Canada C. Australia

( )52. They speak_________.

A. Chinese B. English C. Spanish

( )53. -How many people are there in Tom’s family? -___________.

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5

( )54.-What’s Jim’s father? –He is a __________.

A. doctor B. teacher C. writer

( )55. Why do they like China?

A. Because they think Chinese food is nice.

B. Because they think China is an interesting place.

C. Because they like Chinese people.



Dear Mary,

Thanks a lot for your letter and the great photos. I like them very much. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I’m swimming in the lake. In the second photo, I’m playing football on the playground in our school. In the third one, you can see my family at home. We are having dinner. In the last one, I am with my sister Beth. She’s watching TV and I’m doing my homework.

Best wishes to you and your family. Please write to me soon.



( ) 56. This letter is from________ to ________.

A. Mary, Jim B. Jim, Mary C. Ann, Beth

( ) 57. Jim likes _________ very much.

A. the letter B. the beautiful photos C. A and B

( ) 58. In the first photo, Jim is___________.

A. playing football B. swimming C.A and B

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语暑假作业
