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[10-15 23:24:34]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9304


Hello ,boys and girls !Nice to _1_  you !My name _2_ Alice Smith . I am a _3_ . I am 13 . Look , _4_ this ? It’s a photo _5_ my family .These are my parents and this is my _6_ , Linda .She is 9 . My mother is a teacher in a __7_ . My  father is a teacher , too . My pen is red . And Linda’s ruler is _8_ , too . Our _9_ number is 8269167 . You can _10_ us at it . I love my family .

(    )1.A. thank      B. meet        C. excuse      D. look

(    )2. A. am          B .is             C. are         D. /

(    )3. A. father    B. brother      C. girl           D.boy

(    )4. A. What     B. What’s      C. How         D. How’s

(    )5.A.i n           B.at             C. to             D. of

(    )6. A .sister     B. mother      C. friend       D. aunt

(    )7. A. picture    B. photo       C. school       D. family

(    ) 8. A. red       B. green        C. black        D. white

(    ) 9. A. call       B. ID             C. QQ           D. telephone

(    )10. A. call        B. found       C. spell         D. lost



Jenny is an English girl. She is a nice girl, and she is my good friend. My name’s Amy. My father is John. My mother is Helen. Jack is my brother. I like them. I like singing. Jack likes reading. My favorite(最喜欢的)color is blue.

(   )1. Jenny is————.

A. an English boy  B. a English girl  C. an English boy  D. an English girl

(   )2. Amy’s mother is————.

A. Jack   B. Jenny  C. Amy   D. Helen

(   )3. Amy likes————.

A. singing   B. reading   C. writing   D. drawing

(   )4. What is Amy’s favorite color?

A. Red.  B. Blue.   C. Orange.   D. Green.

(   )5. Jenny is my————.

A. mother    B. sister   C. friend   D. teacher




Name : Peter Brown

Age : 12

School :No. 3 Middle School

Tel : 0311-5658226

QQ: 735466497632

E-mail: Perterbrown@hotmail.com


First name : Jane

Last name : Smith

Age : 13

Tel : 0314-5656822


E-mail:  Janesmith@hotmail.com

(     )1. The boy’s family name is ______

A. Brown            B. Peter          C. Jane        D. Smith

(    )2. The girl’s full name(全名) is _____

A. Jane Smith       B. Smith Jane    C.Jane      D. Smith

(  ) 3.What’s Peter Brown ‘s telephone number ?

A.0314-5658226               B. 0311-5658226

C.0314-5658262              D. 0311-5656822

(   ) 4. How old is Peter ?

A.11     B.12       C.13     D. 14

(    ) 5.Jane’s QQ number is _______

A.658226743572        B. 735466497632

C. 332264753427         D. 354697454372


1.     These are pencils .( 改复数)

————   ————  a pencil .

2.     Are those  your father and your mother ?(肯定回答)

Yes,________  _________。

3.     His clock is on the table .(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ his clock ?

4.     This is my ring .(改为同义句)

This ring ___ ____ .

5.     It’s a dictionary .(改复数)

_______  some ______ .

6.     Is this your friend ?(否定回答)

No,_______ ________ .

7.     These are my parents .(一般疑问句)

_______ these _____ parents ?

8.     That ‘s an English book .( 对划线部分提问)

_______  that ?

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语寒假作业
