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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9408


8.The  trees  are  green .  (对划线部分提问)

the  trees ?

9.What’s  this  ? (改为复数)


10.Her  borther  is  a student .(改为一般疑问句)



四、阅读理解:          A

Look at the boy. His name is Zhang Ming. He is 12. He is in No. 5 Middle School. His pencil is red. His T – shirt is blue. His telephone number is 5367788. His ID number is nine two nine five seven six.


6. What’s the boy’s family name?___________________________

7. What colour is his pencil? _______________________________

8. What’s his telephone number? __________________________


9. His T – shirt is red.          (       )

10. His ID number is 929576.    (       )


Let’s look at our classroom. It’s a nice big room. The windows are big and the walls are white. We can see a big blackboard on the front wall. What colour are the doors and windows? They are white, too. Can you find those red flowers on the big desk? They are four teachers.


1. Is our classroom big and nice?_________________________

2. Are the doors, windows and the walls the same colour?


3. How many blackboards are there in our classroom?


4. Where can you see any flowers?


5. How many desks are there?



My name is Nancy. I’m a student. I’m twelve. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. John is my brother. We are all in Beijing, China. The man in a black coat is my father. The woman in a red sweater(毛衣) is my mother. The boy behind the tree is John. We are very happy here. We love Beijing.


1. How old is Nancy? ______________________________________

2. Who is Nancy’s brother? ________________________________

3. What are Nancy’s father and mother?


4. Where are they now?


5. Do you like Beijing? _________________________________


A:Hello.  My  name’s Lingling.           1

B:  My  name  is  Wang  Hui .I’m  from  Beijing .


A:  I’m  form  Shanghai .I’m  twelve  years  old.


B:  I’m  13  years  old .               4

A:  I’m  in  Class  Two .  Nice  to  meet  you .

B:              5                .


1.  I               a  student .

2. They            good  friends.

3. Tom  and  Peter           in the  same class .

4. Where           your friends .

5. How old            your  borther .

6.My  sisters            at  school .

7.There        a  book  and  some  pens on  the  desk .

8.There        some  flowers and  an  apple .

七. 补全对话。(10 分)

Mary: Hello, Tim. How are you today?

Tim: Fine.

Mary:                                         ?

Tim: I like playing sports.____________________________?

Mary: Me too. There is a basketball match in the park this Sunday.                                     ?

Tim: Yes, but, ________________________________________?

Mary: You can take the No. 2 bus. Get off at the library, and the park is on the left.

Tim:  Thank you. _______________________________?

Mary: I’m going by bus.

Tim:  See you this Sunday.

Mary: Bye.


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语寒假作业
