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[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9434

2.Don’t forget_________(我们).

3._________(我们)would like to buy_________ (他们).


5. There’s(有) one dollar on the floor. Pick___________(它)up.

6._________(他们)are friendly to___________(你们).

7.__________(我)like_______(她)a lot.



10._________(他)does__________(他的)homework on Sunday.

11.___________(它)can’t find__________(它的)way home.

12.___________(她)looks after_________(她的)grandmother.

13.This is__________(我的)pen. That’s__________(你的)。

14.These coats aren’t_________(我的). I think they’re__________(你们的)。

15._________(他的)jacket is blue.__________(她的)is white.

16.---Whose bike is this? ---It’s__________(他的).

17.Those are_________(我们的)desks. __________(他们的)are over there.

18.-- Are these TV sets _________(我们的)?

--No ,they’re_________(他们的)TV.


1. He often__________(get)up at half past six.

2. ---________she ____(like)noodles? ---Yes, she______.

3. Jack_______________(not play)soccer.

4. Jane_____________(have)a new pen .But Tom___________(not have)one.

5. We__________(study) in No.1High School. Mike_______(study) inNo.2 High School.

6. Maria___________(try)on the new dress.

7. They often __________(fly) kites. Kate often __________(fly)a kite, too.

8. Rose often___________(cry). But her brother___________(cry)a lot.

9. Kangkang often__________(carry)water for the old man.

10. His uncle often_______(buy)some delicious food for him and he often_______(take)it

to the school to eat.


11. Lucy and Lily_________(go)to school at 7o’clock. Jim________ (go) at 6:45.

12. I________ (teach) math here. My father________ (teach) English.

13. -- ________Mary often___________(watch)TV?

-- Yes, she often__________(watch) it on Sunday.

14. _____you want________(eat)some hamburgers?

15. -- Would you like__________(sing)some songs with me?  -- Yes, I’d love to.

16. Don’t forget________(bring) your clothes.

17. Could you ask her__________(have) supper with me?

18. It’s 6:20. It’s time________(get)up now.

19. -- Do you like___________(speak) English? -- Yes, I do.

20. -- May I _________(take )your order? -- A bottle of apple juice.

21. -- Can he__________( speak) Chinese? —Sure.

22. Why not__________(come)to China? Good idea.

23. Let me _________(help)you.

24. -- How about____________(swim) this Sunday? -- No problem.

25. Mr. Chen asks him ________ (come) to school on time.


1. Who’s your favorite actor?         2. What color is his/her hair?

3. give /show  sb. sth.= give/show  sth. to sb. Give(show) it/them to me.正确

4. look the same /look at/ look like

5. The girl in green/The girl in a green skirt/ The one with black hair and black eyes.

6. We are in the same school, but we are in different grades.

7. -- Whose dress is this? -- It’s mine.

8. pants/trousers, gloves, shoes, socks常以复数的形式出现, 如:

a pair of pants/trousers,two pairs of shoes ,three pairs of glasses

9. What+主语(某人)+ look like? 长得怎么样?如:

-- What does your father look like? -- He is not very tall but very strong.


1.He is a good student.(否定句)He ________a good student.

2. We are in the same school. (一般疑问句)______  _______ in the same school?

3. Does Nancy have a round face? (肯定回答)__________, ________  ________.

4. She is Jones.(就划线部分提问)_________  ________  _______?

5. Her hair is brown. (同义句)She __________  _________  __________.

6. Do they have a big house?? . (否定回答)_________ ,________  _________.

7. My sister has long legs. (一般疑问句)______ your sister _________ long legs?

8. His brother has two big ears. (否定句)His brother_______  ______two big ears.

9. I have a big head. (否定句)I________  ________ a big head.

10. We have a good English teacher. (一般疑问句)

________ you ________ a good English teacher?

11. His pants are black.(否定句)His pants __________black.

12. He has blond hair. (一般疑问句)______  ______ blond hair?

13. Do you know a lot about China? (肯定回答)________, ________  ________.

14. Her skin is yellow. (就划线部分提问)________  ________  _______ her skin?

15. The man over there is my uncle. (同义句)My uncle is _________  _________.

16. The girl  in red is my sister. (就划线部分提问)______ girl______  ________ sister

17. They look the same. (一般疑问句)______ they look the same?

18. I know Jack.(否定句)I_______  ______Jack.

19. I like light yellow. (就划线部分提问)________  ________  _______you like?

20. Those shoes are white. (就划线部分提问)______  ________  _______ those shoes

21. He has a pair of new pants.(否定句)He ________  _________a pair of new pants.

23. Does it look like a cat? (肯定回答)_______, ________  ________.

24. Her coat is yellow.(就划线部分提问)________  ________  _______her coat?

25. Whose is this jacket? (同义句)_________  ________ is this?

26. The girl’s shoes are over there.. (就划线部分提问)_______  _______ the girl’s shoes?

27. This is Kangkang’s bike. (就划线部分提问)________  ________ is this?

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语寒假作业
