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九年级英语 Unit 16 The football match教案

[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9701

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 九年级英语 Unit 16 The football match教案

I. 词汇:

beat, goal, check-out, realize, train, training, captain, deserve, confident, striker, midfield, excellent, shot, nervous, lazy, final, amazing, performance, teamwork, basketball, boring, spill, rule against, expect, rough

II. 词组:

by the time 到…的时候

midfield player中场球员

carry on 坚持下去,继续下去

be pleased with 对…感到满意

never mind 没有关系

from now on 从现在起,今后

think of 认为

by the time 到…时候

receive a letter from 收到…的来信

play against 与…比赛

expect to do …期望、预计

be against 与…对抗

III. 交际用语:

I have never seen such an exciting match before.

They beat us 5-3

The boys are too confident.

Never mind.

It’s a boring. / great match!

It was the happiest day of my life.

IV. 语法:


二. 重点、难点:

1. beat sb (in, at)sth.

He beat me at chess.

I can beat you at swimming

注win后接game, war, match, competion等

We won the match easily

2. He said he had seen him.



He told me that he had bought a new computer.

(2)在有by, before等构成的时间的介词短语的句子中。

By the first half of the match, we had kicked four goals.

They had finished all the work before ten o’clock.

(3)当后面有when, before, after等引导的从句时。

She had gone to bed when I came back.

I didn’t go to the cinema because I had seen the film.

4. exciting / excited




exciting adj. “令人兴奋的/振奋的”

This is an exciting story.

excited adj. “兴奋的、激昂的”

What are you so excited about?

Tom got excited at the news.

5. by the time



By the time I came here, she had already gone.

By the time the doctor arrived, the patient had died.

By the time the bell rang, the students had already come into the classroom.

6. deserve to do.


She deserves to be rewarded.


He deserves to be locked up for life.


7. carry on 实行、坚持、继续

But the girls carried on working hard.

Carry on business 经营生意

Carry on a dialogue 进行对话

8. Never mind 的用法

(1)当别人向你道歉时,回答用Never mind 表示“没关系,不要紧”,相当于It doesn’t matter.

-I’m sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.

-Never mind.

(2)当别人为你担心时用“Never mind”表示没关系。请别人放心。


-What for?

-Your foot’s hurt.

-Never mind.

(3)当别人主动指出给你帮助时用“Never mind”,表示谢绝。

-Let me help you to carry the box.

-Never mind. It isn’t heavy. I can do it myself.

9. such / such …as / such … that

A. such adj. “如此的、这样的”修饰各种名词。


Don’t read such books.

I can’t answer such questions.

I don’t want to go out in such weather.

(2)such +a / an +可数名词单数

He is such a man.

That is such an important meeting. You’d better not be late.

(3)such + adj + 不可数名词或可数名词复数

All of them are such polite students.

I like to have such delicious tomato soup.

(4)such +a / an + adj. +可数名词单数

I have never seen such a beautiful lake.

B. such …as表示一类人或事物

We enjoy such voice as his.

Don’t play with such a dangerous animal as the tiger.

C. such …that表示结果,意思是“如此…以致于”

It was such a cold day that there was nobody in the street.

They are such lovely children that we all like them.

10. surprising / surprised / surprise

A. surprising adj. “惊奇的、意外的”

That is not so surprising.

The story has a very surprising end.

B. surprised adj. “感到惊讶的”通常形容人的感受。

(1)be surprised at

He was surprised at what you had said.

(2)be surprised to do …而感到惊讶

I was very surprised to hear the news.

(3)be surprised that 因…而感到惊讶

They were surprised that he got injured in a traffic accident.



a surprised look 吃惊的表情

C. surprise

(1)in surprise惊奇地

She is watching the huge plant in surprise.

(2)to one’s surprise使某人吃惊的是

To my surprise, they are all from Beijing.


Let’s surprise the teacher with a present.

Her refusing to take the job surprised us greatly.


Did he show any surprise at the news?



I. 词汇练习


1. The doctor told my father not to smoke any more, but he k ______ on smoking.

2. How many p ______ are there on your team?

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标签: football   初三英语教案
