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当前位置: 小智贝文库中小学教学小学英语教学小学英语教学设计4B Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi 教案设计

4B Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi 教案设计

[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语教学设计   阅读:9958
  Step 1. Warming up
  1. T :  Good morning ,class. Today we have some guests here .What do you want to say to them ?
  S :  a) Welcome to our school .
  b) Where are you from ?
  c) How do you come here ?
  Step 2. Free talk
  1. What's the weather like today ?
  2. What day is it today ?
  3. I like strawberries .Do you like strawberries ?  What do you like? What 's your favourite fruit ?
  4. What's your father's job ?
  5. Is your mother a teacher , too ?
  6. Who's the girl with long hair ?
  7.What can you see in these pictures?
  过渡语:根据学生的回答Ss: I can see a park/cinema/zoo…
  T: Let's go to the park/cinema/zoo…
  Ss: Great./ All right./ Good idea.
  OK. Now let's go.跟着老师说唱歌谣
  Step 3 chant and sing
  Park,park,go to the park.
  Let's go to the park.
  Zoo,zoo,go to the zoo.
  Let's go to the zoo.
  School,school,go to school.
  Let's go to school.
  Cinema,cinema,go to the cinema.
  Let's go to the cinema.
  Step4、 Presentation
  Last Sunday, I visited the China Dinasour Park. My son likes to go to the China Dinasour Park .(出示恐龙园的图片)Do you like to go there?  S: Yes. T: Let's go to the China Dinasour park..S: Great. But how?  T: Shall we go by ? What can you see? 学习minibus.再回到Shall we go there by minibus? S: OK. Let's go.Now please read after me.Then work in pairs.
  Now I'm hungry. I want to go to the supermarket and buy some food. Let's go to Xinte Supermarket.S: OK. Good. Great. 出示信特超市图片然后领读两遍。再学习super superman等, 然后再返回前一张。T: Let's go to Xinte supermarket. Ss: Great. But how?  T: Shall we go there? (让学生随便说说然后引出Shall we go there on foot?Read the new phrases on foot.) 随着学生的回答点出OK.Let's go.师生对话几遍。
  Model:T: Hello, xxx. Let's go to Xinte Supermarket. S: Great. But how?  T: Shall we go there on foot? S: OK. Let's go.(两三组后引导学生You can invite me. You can ask me.必要时可以用中文提示)此时可以渗透How do we go there?
  T: Excuse me.xxx. Do you like films?(看电影)  S: Yes. T: OK. Let's go to the theatre.出示图片学习句型How do we go there并领读,抽读。然后再学习by taxi. Then work in pairs and act.(有前往后一个接一个的操练)
  May Day is coming. We can make a plan for the long holiday.Let's go to 举一些地方。让学生自由编对话。
  On May Day I want to go to Beijing, I should choosewhichone. By bus?By bike? On foot? 出示两副图让学生选择合适的交通工具。
  Step 5 Practice
  OK. Let's travel. Please choose one place and ask and answer. 然后让学生根据提示自编对话。
  Step 6 Do a survey
  How do your classmates come to schhol? How does your teacher come to school? Do you want to know? Let's do a survey.  请同学交流时可在黑板上提示xx comes to school by….
  The last let's sing a song. (出示录音机)
  Step 7 Homework
  1.Do a survey
  Ask your family members and friends  "How do you go to school/work?"
  2.Talk about the plan for May Day with your family members and friends.

标签: 暂无联系方式 小学英语教学设计
