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《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6教学设计

[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语教学设计   阅读:9117

  《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6教学设计
  一、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6复习课
  1、知识目标:熟练运用be going to表达计划或打算。
  三、教学重难点:be going to 的灵活运用和综合运用。
  Step1: Introduction
  (1)   引入本课话题。
  T: Today we are going to review Unit6, what’s the title of this unit?
  Ss: Planning for the weekend.
  T: Right. In Unit6,we learned “be going to” 这个句型来表达自己的计划或打算,比如plan for the weekend(板书单词weekend)或plan for tomorrow(板书tomorrow)
  教师引导学生说出“plan for next week/month/year…等,并板书学生所说的短语)
  (2)   学生根据下图提示,每人写一句话。
  T: I’m going to have a birthday party this weekend. What are you going to do? Please write one sentence about your plan.
  Be going to
  Step2: Group Activities:
  (1)    师生一起探讨如何完善这份计划
  T: …is going to have a picnic this weekend. Who is going to have a picnic this weekend,too?
  S1: I’m going to have a picnic this weekend,too.
  T:Oh,really? You two come here, please. You are going to have a picnic this weekend. What time are you going to meet?(板书问句:What time are you going to meet?)
  S1: We are going to meet at eight in the morning.
  T:(向其他学生) Do you have any questions about their plan? Please write them down.


  (2)    各组派代表提问讲台前的两位学生。
  Step3: More practice
  (1)       为了帮助学生复习,巩固和正确运用一般现在时和一般过去时,教师与学生进行如下对话:
  T: I’m going to go fishing this weekend. I like fishing. Do you like fishing?
  S1: No, I don’t like fish.
  T: ( To S2) Does S1 like fishing?
  S2: No, she doesn’t.
  T: Do you like fishing?
  S2: Yes,I do.I like fishing.
  T: Did you go fishing last weekend?
  S2: Yes, I did. I went fishing last weekend.
  T: ( To S3)Did S2 go swimming last weekend?
  S3: No,he didn’t .
  T: What did he do last weekend?
  S3: He went fishing.
  T: What did you do last weekend?
  S3: I visited my grandparents.
  T: How do you usually spend your weekend?
  S3: I usually watch TV or play computer games at weekends.
  [设计意图]:一句“Do you like fishing?”将课堂教学由复习一般将来时巧妙地转入下个环节,通过师生之间的对话帮助学生复习所学时态,把对语言形式的训练变成了自然、有意义的交际活动,摆脱了机械、枯燥的语法训练模式。此外,连续提问的方式,以提醒学生认真倾听别人的发言,将看似个别训练的活动自然地变成对全体学生的训练。
  (2)    用课件将一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时和现在进行时作对比,帮助学生梳理知识网络。
  (3)    读故事并填空
  A running race
  Rabbit: Hello, I’m a lovely rabbit.Last time, the tortoise and I
  (have) a running race. He       (run) faster than me . I
  (be) still not happy. Now I’m      (call)him.
  Rabbit: Hi, is that Mr. Tortoise?
  Tortoise: Yes, this is Mr. Tortoise      (speak)
  Rabbit: Are you free tomorrow?
  Tortoise: Yes. What are you going to do?
  Rabbit: I                        (have)a running race with you tomorrow. Would you like to come?
  Tortoise: Sure. Where are we going to      (meet)
  Rabbit: In front of Miss Cat’s house.
  Tortoise: When?
  Rabbit: At nine o’clock.
  Tortoise: OK. See you tomorrow.
  Rabbit: See you.


  Step4: Listening practice
  Step5: Consolidation and practice
  Good News!
  Go to Huangshanhu Park this Children’s Dayby bus.
  Meet at 8:30, in front of our primary school.
  Go fishing in the morning.
  Have a picnic at 10:45 on the grass.
  Have a singing contest in the afternoon.
  Go back home at 4:10 by bus.
  Last Sunday was Mother’s Day. I       for my mother. She was very happy. I was happy, too.
  Children’s Day is coming…
  Where are you going this Children’s Day?
  How are you going to get there?
  What are you going to do in the morning in the park?How about the afternoon?
  Are you going to have lunch at home?
  What time are you going to get back home?
  Sunny and warm             Wednesday, May 15th

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