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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  一年级英语教案   阅读:9291



Unit 5 How are you?

(Period 1)

l Teaching content:

Unit 5 How are you?

l Teaching targets:

1. Aim of knowledge:

Pupils are able to read and speak out drills: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you?Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry.

2. Aim of ability:

Pupils are able to inquire someone’s health.

3. Aim of emotion:

Pupils are interested in singing : Goodbye

l Focal points:

Drills: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you?Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry.

l Difficult points:

Answer one’s inquiring according one’s own status.

l Teaching aids:

Tape cassette, recorder

l Teaching steps:

Step 1. Singing

Sing a song: Goodbye

Step 2 Presentation

(T) Hello, boys and girls, how are you today?

(Ss) Fine, thank you. And you?

(T) Not bad, thank you.

(S1) Hello, Miss Yang. How are you?

(T) (pretend to catch a cold)

Not so good.

(T Ss) I’m sorry.

Step 3 Practice

(T) How are you today?

(S1) Fine, thank you. /Not bad, thank you. / Not so good.

Step 4 Listening& Reading

(Ss) Read after the tape , then read after the teacher

Read together

Design of writing

Unit 5 How are you?

How are you?

Fine, thank you./ Not bad, thank you. / Not so good.

Teaching Plan of Fun with English 3A

Unit 5 How are you?

(Period 2)

l Teaching content:

Unit 5 How are you?

l Teaching targets:

1. Aim of knowledge:

Pupils are able to read and speak out new words: pencils, pens, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books

2. Aim of ability:

Pupils are able to get idea about plural forms.

3. Aim of emotion:

Pupils are interested in asking and answering about their own stationaries.

l Focal points:

Words of plural forms: pencils, pens, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books

l Difficult points:

Correct pronunciation of plural forms.

Teaching aids:

Tape cassette, recorder, some pictures.

l Teaching steps:

Step 1 Free talk:

How are you?

Fine, thank you. And you? Not bad, thank you. Not so good.

I’m sorry.

Step 2 Presentation

(T) ( Present a pen) What’s this?

( Present two pens) What are these?

( Read: pens)

(Same method as teaching : pencils, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books)

Step 3 Practice

(Ss) Ask and answer about one’s stationary.

Step 4 A game

( Guess and say) ( Touch and say)

Step 6 Listen and circle

Design of Writing

Unit 5 How are you?

Teaching Plan of Fun with English 3A

Unit 5 How are you?

(Period 3)

l Teaching content:

Unit 5 How are you? (period 3)

l Teaching targets:

1. Aim of knowledge:

Revise words: pencils, pens, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books and drills: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you?Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry.

2. Aim of ability:

Pupils are able to get idea about plural forms.

3. Aim of emotion:

Pupils are interested in asking and answering about their own stationaries.

l Focal points:

Exercises of Unit 5

l Difficult points:

Correct pronunciation of plural forms.

l Teaching aids:

Tape cassette, recorder, some stationary.

l Teaching steps:

Step 1 Singing

Hello! How are you?

Step 2 Presentation

1. Listen and respond

2. Listen and colour

3. Listen and draw

Step 3 Practice

(Ss) Ask and answer about stationary.

Step 4 A game

( Guess and say) ( Touch and say)

Step 5 Listen and circle


1. Read Unit 5.

2. Copy the letters.

教学后记:Not so good. 和Not bad有个别学生搞不清楚,容易混淆,在接下来的每日英语中要多加练习。



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