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牛津六年级英语Unit 5 On the farm教案

[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语教案   阅读:9373

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牛津六年级英语Unit 5 On the farm教案

牛津英语6A教案 Unit 5 On the farm

一、 教学要求

1 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词plant, else, taste及其中动词的过去式。

2 能听懂、会说、会读单词last, pick, picked.

3 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What(else) did you do…? I…,并能在情境中正确运用该句型。

4 掌握规则动词过去式的构成及读音。

二、 教学重点

1 plant, pick, taste, last的读音。

2 句型What(else) did you do…? I…的读音及运用。

3 规则动词过去式的读音。

三、 教学难点

1句型What(else) did you do…? I…的读音及运用。


四、 教学准备

1 课件、若干橘子、带有封面的一张VCD(The sound of music)。

2 预先写好课题 Unit 6及卡片last weekend,并在卡片上写“上个周末”。

五、 教学过程

A Greeting

B Chant

T: Boys and girls, let’s have a chant. OK?

T: Open, open, open the door.(教师在一个学生面前做动作)

T: Follow me, please. (教师和他/她一起做。)

T: Clean, clean, clean the desk. (教师在两个学生面前做动作)

T: Follow me, please. (教师和他们一起做。)

T: Play, play, play the violin. (教师做动作)

T: Boys, follow me.(教师和男生一起做动作)

T: Listen, listen, listen to music. (教师做动作)

T: Girls, follow me. (教师和女生一起作动作)

T: Now follow me together. (学生跟教师一起边说边做)

C Free talk

T: What day is it today?

T: What day was it yesterday?

T: What’s the date today?

T: What was the date yesterday?

T: How many days are there in a week?

T: What are they?(上述问题教师整体问学生)

T: What day do you like best?

T: What do you usually do on Sundays/…?(单个问学生喜欢的日子干什么)

D Presentation and practice

1 教last

T: I like weekend best. Last weekend I was very very happy.(教师指着卡片last weekend强调说这句话)

教读last, last weekend.

2 教What did you do last weekend?

T: Last weekend I was very happy. Why? Do you want to know?

T: You may ask me like this ‘what did you do last weekend’.(板书)

教读What did you do last weekend? (整体读,组读,个体读,整体读)

T: I watched VCD.(板书)It is called ‘The sound of music’.(手持VCD). It is so interesting, so funny. I like it very much. Do you like it?

T: I can lend it to you after class.

3 教What else did you do?

T: I was very very happy last weekend. Do you want to know more?

T: You may ask me like this ‘what else did you do’.(口型暗示)

引导学生说出What else did you do?(整体,男女生)


4 教plant

T: I visited Mashan.(板书)Do you know Mashan?

T: (课件上出示一幅马山图片)This is Mashan. Is it beautiful? Do you like it?

T: Last weekend I visited Mashan. I like it very much. I planted trees.

教读plant, 并让学生拼读。(整体,个体)

T: Plant, plant, plant trees. Plant, plant, plant flowers.(教师边说边做,让学生模仿)

5 教pick

T: Look, there are so many oranges. Mmm, they’re so nice. I picked oranges last weekend.

教读pick, 并让学生拼读。(整体,个体)

T: Pick, pick, pick oranges. Pick, pick, pick apples/…(教师边说边做,让学生模仿)

6 教taste

T: I take some oranges here. They are from Mashan. Taste it, please…(让几个学生尝橘子)

T: Taste, taste, taste oranges. Taste, taste, taste pears/…(教师边说边做,让学生模仿)

T: In Mashan, I tasted oranges.

教读taste, 并让学生拼读。(整体,个体)

7 操练pick, taste, plant

a T: Let’s plant trees. OK?

T: Plant, plant, plant trees/flowers. Pick, pick, pick oranges/….Taste, taste, taste oranges/…

b Game: Listen and act, look and say.

c Say a rhyme:

We are happy

Spring, spring,

plant the tree.

Summer, summer,

water the tree.

Autumn, autumn,

pick the fruit.

Winter, winter,

taste the fruit.

Happy, happy,

we are happy.

8 规则动词过去式读音及构成

a T: Last weekend, I was very happy. What about my last weekdays from Monday to Friday? You may ask me like this ‘what did you do last Monday/…’(课件上有此句型)


cleaned the classroom

played the piano

watered flowers

listened to music

cooked food

watched TV

picked oranges

planted trees

visited friends

tasted apples


b guessing game

T:(课件上显示一个词组last Monday, 一个头像,一个足球,一棵树)Who’s he? What’s this?(指着‘足球’)

T: What did he do last Monday? He played football?

T: Yeah, he played football. (课件显示这句话,学生齐读)What else did he do?(指着‘树’)

He planted trees or watered trees?


9 What did you do…? What else did you do?及其应答I

a T: Boys and girls, now I want to know something about you.

T: What did you do this morning?

T: What did you do yesterday?(上述两个问题整体问)

b T: What did you do last Monday?

T: What else did you do?

S1: What did you do last Tuesday?

S1: What else did you do?


E Consolidation

Do a survey

a T: Our headmaster Mr. Chou is very interested in your weekend. Now let’s help him do a survey. OK?


b T: Now report your survey.

F Home work

a Write down your report and show it to our headmaster

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