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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9305


一 单项选择 (共30小题,每小题1分,计30分。)

1. Do you think everyone wants to find ______ unusual record to break?

A. an            B. a              C. the              D. /

2. Kate won the ______ race in the summer sports meeting.

A. 100-meter      B. 100-meters      C. 100 meter        D. 100 meters

3. You must be careful when you ______ the street.

A. walk cross      B. across          C. cross            D. crossing

4. I’m glad to hear that your class ______ the school football match.

A. beat          B. won            C. lost              D. failed

5. I can’t believe this little girl can write ______ many books.

A. such          B. so              C. such a          D. so a

6. -- What did the teacher say to you just now?

-- She asked me ______.

A. why was Tim late this morning        B. where did I see Tim this  morning

C. Why Tim was late this morning        D. where I see Tim this morning.

7. David ______ English since he was five years old.

A. learns          B. learnt            C. has learned      D. will learn

8 We’ll go to visit him __ it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

A.if      B.as soon as   C.when     D.since

9. They brought us ______ news and every one was _______ at it.

A. surprising, surprising                B. surprised, surprised

C. surprising, surprised                D. surprised, surprising

10. Shanghai is one of ______ in China.

A. largest city    B. the largest city    C. largest cities      D. the largest cities

11. Danny keeps practicing      every day .

A  sing    B  sings       C singing       D to  sing

12. I think Tom doesn’t work ______ before.

A. as careful as                        B. as carefully as

C. as more careful as                    D. as more carefully as

13.I keep __ if I’ve seen her before somewhere.

A. think B. thinking C. to think D. thought

14. --Can you tell me how much you______ for your new computer? -- About 5000 yuan.

A. paid          B. took              C. spent          D. cost

15. I want to buy _______for my father’s birthday to make him happy.

A. something special                    B. special something

C. nothing special                      D. special nothing

16 Our teacher         for an hour .

A has been away   Bhas left     C has gone   D was away

17、--This book is a bit hard.       --______ read something easier?

A Why not to      B Why don’t      C Why not        D Why not you

18、--Is the new pen ______?  --No. _____ is old.

A yours; Mine      B his; My       C her; His        D mine; His

19、--There are two new cars in front of the company.

--One is mine, and ______ is the manager’s.

A other        B another         C the other        D others

20、The boy is too young  to       himself .

A  wear    B  dress     C  put on  D   in

21、--How long has Mr. Green lived _____ Lanzhou?     ----He’s lived here _____ 1990.

A in; for       B in; since        C at; by          D at; of

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