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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9155



(   )1.—Where are Maria and Kangkang?

—They _____ England.

A.have been to  B.are away  C.have gone to  D.had been in

(   )2._____ the Great Green Wall, the land produces (生产出) more crops.

A.Thanks for   B.Thanks to  C.Thank to   D.Thank for

(   )3.I think that you have made so rapid _____ in math.

A.a progress   B.progress  C.progresses   D.progressed

(   )4.—How do you like Beijing, Miss Read?

—I’ve no idea. I _____ there.

A.have gone   B.have been  C.haven’t been  D.haven’t gone

(   )5.—What _____ to your village in recent years?

—Lots of roads, buildings, parks and so on.

A.takes place   B.have happened C.has happened  D.happened

(   )6.—What did you do during your summer holiday?

—I spent my holiday _____ English in Summer Classes.

A.improving   B.improves  C.to improve   D.improve

(   )7. I have broken your glasses. I feel sorry _____ it.

A.to     B.at    C.with    D.for

(   )8.The family was _____ poor _____ they couldn’t buy a TV set.

A.so; that    B.not; until  C.not; but   D.so; but

(   )9.—_____ my daughter is only ten years old, she knows a lot.

—What a clever girl!

A.Because   B.Whether  C.Though   D.So

(   )10.—Have you seen my brother?

—Yes. I _____ him in the library five minutes ago.

A.met    B.have met  C.meet    D.have been met


(    ) 1. He used to ____ TV on Saturday last year.

A. watch        B. watching        C. look at

(    ) 2. Have you ____ heard of such a funny story ? http: /www.xk b1.com

A. often         B. ever            C. yet

(    ) 3. ____ the development of China, people’s living conditions have improved a lot.

A. For          B. As              C. With

(    ) 4. ---Kitty, will you go to see Pirates of the Caribbean with us this evening ?

---Sorry. I _______ the film already.

A. have seen       B. saw          C. had seen

(    ) 5. Liu Xiang said it was the most ____ day of his life when he got the gold medal.

A. exciting         B. excited        C. surprised

(    ) 6. The drink is ____ delicious ____ I enjoy it very much.

A. too, to         B. so, that         C. such, that

(    ) 7. ____ their help, we finished the work in time.

A. Because       B. Under          C. With

(    ) 8. ---I found your English much better than before. How did you ____ it ?

---By getting a lot of listening and speaking training.

A. develop        B. improve        C. impossible

(    ) 9. The Olympic Rings stand for the five ____ of the world.

A. counties         B. area           C. parts

(    ) 10. ---Have you ever ____ Paris before ?

---Not yet. But I’ve planned to go there next month.

A. been with       B. been in        C. been to

(    ) 11. ---Hello! Is Xian Hua in the classroom ?

---No, she _____ the library with her friends.

A. has gone to      B. has been to       C. have gone to

(    ) 12. ---Our hometown ____ a lot so far.     ---Yes. I hope it will be even ____.

A. has changed, well    B. has changed, better    C. changed, better

(    ) 13. _____ wonderful experience we had during this summer holiday !

A. How          B. What            C. What a

(    ) 14. ---Did you watch the World Cup yesterday, Mike ? My TV broke down.

--- ________. That was quite a wonderful match.

A. That’s a great pity !   B. Is that possible ?   C. I’m sorry to hear that.

(    ) 15. Which organization can offer help to kids ?

A. World Health Organization    B. China Children and Teenagers’ Found

C. International Committee of the Red Cross



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