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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9155

8.  ─ Have you ever __________ my stamps?

─ Yes, I __________ them on your desk yesterday.

A. saw; saw  B. saw; seen  C. Seen; saw  D. seen; was seeing

9.  ─You have made great progress in English.

─ __________.

A. So I do.   B. So do I.   C. So I have  D. So have I.

10. I didn’t know what __________ to her last night.

A. was happened  B. happening C. happened  D. was happen

11. Mr. Green has bought a MP3 as a present, but _______ his son _______ his daughter likes it.

A. not only; but also  B. neither; nor C. both; and  D. either; or

12. Japan is a __________ country while China is a __________ country.

A. developing; developed    B. developing; developing

C. developed; developing    D. developed; developed

13. __________ it rains tomorrow, we’ll still go to the Great Wall.

A. If   B. When  C. Though   D. Even though

14. I didn’t know ______ because it was very noisy.

A. what did you say   B. what you said

C. what you say     D. what do you say

15.One-child policy has ______ controlling China’s population.

A. done well in B. been good at C. worked good in  D. worked well in

16. In China, about ______ of people live in the country.

A. three fifth  B. third fifth  C. third fifths  D. three fifths

17. In our school library there ______ a number of books on science and the number of them ______ growing larger and larger.

A. are; is  B. is; are   C. have; are   D. has; is

18. Mr. Black said, “ I have walked a long way this week.”

Mr. Black said that ______ a long way ______.

A. I had walked; last week.   B. he had walked; that week.

C. I walked; last week    D. he has walked; last week.

19. ─ Why don’t you come and have lunch with me?

─ Thanks, but I have ______ had mine.

A. ever   B. already   C. still   D. yet

20. When I saw children working for a cruel boss, I felt sorry ______ them.

A. to   B. for    C. on   D. with



(   )1.—Where are Maria and Kangkang?

—They _____ England.

A.have been to  B.are away  C.have gone to  D.had been in

(   )2._____ the Great Green Wall, the land produces (生产出) more crops.

A.Thanks for   B.Thanks to  C.Thank to   D.Thank for

(   )3.I think that you have made so rapid _____ in math.

A.a progress   B.progress  C.progresses   D.progressed

(   )4.—How do you like Beijing, Miss Read?

—I’ve no idea. I _____ there.

A.have gone   B.have been  C.haven’t been  D.haven’t gone

(   )5.—What _____ to your village in recent years?

—Lots of roads, buildings, parks and so on.

A.takes place   B.have happened C.has happened  D.happened

(   )6.—What did you do during your summer holiday?

—I spent my holiday _____ English in Summer Classes.

A.improving   B.improves  C.to improve   D.improve

(   )7. I have broken your glasses. I feel sorry _____ it.

A.to     B.at    C.with    D.for

(   )8.The family was _____ poor _____ they couldn’t buy a TV set.

A.so; that    B.not; until  C.not; but   D.so; but

(   )9.—_____ my daughter is only ten years old, she knows a lot.

—What a clever girl!

A.Because   B.Whether  C.Though   D.So

(   )10.—Have you seen my brother?

—Yes. I _____ him in the library five minutes ago.

A.met    B.have met  C.meet    D.have been met



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