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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9137






(   )1.-   do you improve your listening? -I improve it     listening to tapes.

A. How; with  B: What; with   C: How; by   D. What; by

(   )2. ---      book do you think it is ?--- It must be Tom's.

A. Whose    B. Which    C. Where    D. How

(   )3. Not only I but also Tom and Jack _____ interested in English because it _____ useful.

A. is, is    B. are, is     C. is, are     D. are, are

(   )4.       seems that Jane has known th e bad news.

A. She   B. It   C. This   D. That

(   )5. All of us were       at the       news.

A. frustrating, frustrating   B. frustrating, frustrated

C. frustrated, frustrating    D. frustrated, frustrated

(   )6. Jack likes playing     soccer, but he doesn't like playing       piano.

A. /, /   B. the. /   C. the, the   D. /, the

(   )7. The room _____ I live _____ is very large.

A. which, /        B. that, /       C. which, in    D. where, in

(   )8. It is impolite to       those persons in trouble.

A. laugh to   B. laugh with   C. laugh of   D. laugh at

(   )9. If you don't know how to spell a new word, you'd better      .

A. look up a dictionary       B. look up an dictionary

C. look it up in a dictionary   D. look it up in an dictionary

(   )10. Jane is so shy that she is afraid of       in front of a group.

A. speaking   B. speaks   C. spoke   D. speak

(   )11. My grandfather       us stories when I was young.

A. was used to tell       B. is used to telling

C. used to tell           D. used to telling

(   )12. This is the doctor _____ saved the baby's life.

A. who           B. whom      C. whose      D. which

(   )13. The film reminded him _____ what he had seen in American.

A. to       B. in     C. of         D. for

(   )14. I had a little trouble       English grammar.

A. learn   B. learned   C. learning   D. to learn

(   )15. Would you please help me _____ the picture on the wall?

A. put up     B. put on      C. put into     D. put off

(  )16.He traveled all over the world _____ he had a man-made leg.

A. if   B. as      C. because       D. though

(  )17.He is a _____ boy, so he can't go to the park by himself.

A. six-year-old   B. six year old   C. six-years-old   D. six years old

(  )18.He must be in the room, because the light in the room is      .

A. in   B. on   C. off   D. open

(  )19..I think he must be in his office now, _______?

A. must he     B. can't he    C. mustn't he     D. isn't he

(   )20. This book      Lucy's. Look! Her name is on the book cover.

A. must be   B. may be   C. can't be   D. mustn't be

(   )21. They can't find      in our neighborhood.

A. something strange    B. strange something

C. anything strange     D. strange anything

(   )22. If it       tomorrow, we won't go to the cinema.

A. snowed   B. snowing   C. will snow   D. snows

(   )23.      travelers come to visit our city every year.

A. Thousand  of B. Thousands of   C. Five Thousands  D.Thousand

(   )24. They prefer       to      .

A. swim, run  B. swimming, run C. swimming ,running D. to swim , running

(   )25. . The flowers      everyday, or they'll die.

A. must water        B. can be watered

C. should water       D. must be watered



What's your idea about learning English? The best way of learning English is   1   it. We should practice   2    English as  3    as possible. Sometimes you'll get your words  4      and people will not  5   you. Sometimes people will say things quickly and you can't follow them. Don't worry! Don't be afraid of   6  . It's  7    for people   8  your mistakes than to  9   with you, because they don't understand   10  you are saying. You'll be good at English if you practice very often.

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