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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9966

日常行为 每天早上6:30起床,晚上10:00睡觉

到校方式 家离学校很近,每天花十分步行去上学

特长 能唱歌,会拉小提琴,擅长画画

烦恼 班级里有太多的班规,如…    ;   家里有很多家规,如…

Dear Tom,

Please write to me soon.

Li Lei

31.Molly上周收到了她加拿大笔友Mary 的电子邮件,Mary说她到一所新学校,没有朋友,感到非常孤单,这种情绪严重影响了她的学习。假如你Molly,请给Mary写一封回信,给她一些建议。80词左右,信得开头已经和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

提示词汇:lonely 孤单的

Dear Mary,

I’m sorry jto hear that you’re feeling lonely. ____________________________________________






I hope you will feel better soon.




Dear Maggie,

I have a problem! I really don’t know what to say to my best friend, Tom. He finds English very difficult and always asks me to let him copy my homework. I don’t think it’s right to do so. But if I don’t let him copy, I will lose my best friend. Should I tell others about that? What should I do? Please help me!



Dear Ben,

Nice to hear from you. Most of the students will meet this kind of problem. I’m not surprised at it. And I think


Dear YuLin,

___________How’s it going?____

34.我们学校将举行一次志愿者活动,请你为这次活动写一封倡议书,主要内容包括帮助缺衣少食、无家可归、不能上学的孩子,捐赠钱物,帮助建立食品救济站,分发食品和衣服,张贴广告、清扫大街等。你相信只要人人献出一点爱,世界将变得更加美好! (字数不少于80词)


要求:1. 词数80左右。

2. 条理清楚,语意连贯,句式规范。

参考词汇: listening ability(能力), spoken Chinese, radio, TV programs, video tapes

From:  Sally

To:    Lin Ping

Subject: Asking for help

Dear Lin Ping,

How are you getting on? Thanks for telling me something about your school life. I’m glad you’re doing well in your English study.

As you know, I began to learn Chinese 2 years ago. Now let me tell you something about my Chinese study. Though I can read and write a little Chinese, I’m still weak in listening and my spoken Chinese isn’t improving. I find it hard to talk with the people around in Chinese. Could you give me some advice? How I wish I could talk to you in Chinese one day!

Hope to hear from you soon.



From: Lin Ping

To:   Sally

Subject: Re: Asking for help

Dear Sally,

Glad to hear from you. You say you have some problems in learning Chinese. Don’t worry. __________________________________________________________






I hope you will make great progress in your Chinese study. Good luck!


Lin Ping


1.The theme is about English culture .The speech will be hold in our school hall between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. on November 1st.If you want to go to the speech ,please take a pen and a notebook .




One possible version:

Dear Editor,

My name is Li ping , a middle school student . I’m excited to know that the 15th Games of Fujian Province will be held in our city in 2014 . To make it successful , the government is supposed to build more new gyms for the players and take more measures to improve the environment Of our city. Besides, the citizens ought to be polite and ready to help others. They had better talk with others in Putonghua. They should try their best to keep the city clean and tidy. As students, we should do more exercise to keep fit and try to be volunteers of the Games.

In a word, if everyone makes a contribution, the Games will be more successful.


Li Ping



I Want to Be A Volunteer of Protecting Animals

A very good morning / afternoon to you all ,everyone.My name is XXX,a student from XXX Middle School.As we know,animals are our good friends.Hower,as we can see,some animals,especially rare animals,are becoming fewer and fewer.

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标签: 2014   中考英语模拟题
