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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9808

28、 ---Don’t play all day and please do your homework.


A. I’m sorry, I will do it   B. You’re kidding   C.I hate you   D. kill me

29、 Kathy regards Tom _____ her best friend.

A. with        B. as          C. about          D. at

30、The lazy boy shouldn’t _____the money for these candies .

A. make up    B. look up      C. stay up      D. use up

31、Perhaps all girls _____snakes.

A. are afraid to   B. are terrified of   C. are afraid of    D. B and C

32. Mrs Greeen always enjoys _____at the party.

A. himself      B. herself        C. ourselves    D. themselves

33、Fred doesn’t like sports. The soccer ____ be his.

A. must         B. can’t        C. could        D. may

34、The soldier _____make mistakes. But now he can deal with the problems.

A. use to         B. used to         C. be used        D. didn’t use to

35、Although I failed four times, my teacher wish me to have a ______ try.

A. first       B. second        C. third          D. fifth

36、 The big house must belong to  ______ .

A. the old man     B. Tom’s         C. Lucy’s         D. the old man’s

37、I don’t know           .

A. where is she                    B. what does she do

C. why she can’t solve the trouble     D. how did she break off the friendship.

38、She will not come        I invite her.

A. but            B. or            C. and            D. unless

39、 His father is ______ because John is pretending to do homework.

A. annoy       B. annoying      C. annoyed        D. annoys

40、_____ wild girl she is!

A.What         B. What a        C. What an         D. How

第三节   完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


A long time ago, there was a big apple tree. A little boy loved to come and ___41___around it every day. ___42___went by! The little boy grew up and he didn’t play with the tree. One day, the boy came back to the tree and looked sad. The tree asked the boy, “Come and play __43__ me.” “I am no longer a kid. I don’t play around trees __44__.  I need money to buy toys.” The boy answered. The tree was very sad and said, “I don’t have money, but you can pick(摘) all my apples and sell them. So __45_ will have money to buy your things.” The boy pick all the __46___ on the tree. After that, the boy didn’t come back.

After many years, the boy came back. The tree said, “I’m sorry, I __47___ want to give you something,__48___ I don’t have anything for you, no more apples for you , the only hing thing is my ___49__roots(根).”The boy said, “Now I don’t need money, I’m tired. I

need to have a rest . The tree said, “Good, come here, please sit down with me and have a rest.” The boy sat down, the tree was ___50_ and smiled.

41.  A、play      B、plays       C、playing      D、played

42.  A、Money    B、Time       C、Food        D、 House

43  .A、at        B、on         C、with         D、in

44.  A、anybody   B、anything    C、anyone      D、anymore

45.  A、I         B、She        C、He          D、You


46.  A、pears      B、apples      C、bananas     D、strawberries

47.  A、real       B、 fast       C、really       D、quickly

48.  A、and       B、but        C、or          D、then

49.  A、die       B、dead       C、dying       D、death

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标签: 2014   中考英语模拟题
