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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9808

50 . A、happy      B、silly       C、cute        D、clever

第三部分   阅读理解(共25分, 15小题,满分25分)


Just to be on the safe side, in order to keep the road orderly and safe, it is very important about traffic safety. Everyone should follow traffic rules.

Nowadays, drunk drivers are more and more. They do not care about their lives. I dislike drunk drivers. Of course, drunk drivers will have their license revoked(吊销)for five years and they will be given a 15–day detention(拘留)as well as fine ranging from 200 Yuan (30 dollars) to 500 Yuan in China’s traffic safety law.

You should be careful and look around before you cross the road. If you ride, on the one hand, you should not run through the red traffic lights, on the other hand, you should not ride too fast, besides, you should not drink wine before you drive. If you wait for a bus, please wait in line and don’t push others, then don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.

Some drivers who don’t have driving licenses in our countryside let some persons take their vehicles(车辆)for money. Besides underage children should not drive because of danger. Unluckily, two underage children in Kun Ming died of a traffic accident on May2, 2011.

I believe if everyone obeys the traffic rules, we will have safer and happier life.


51. This passage is about traffic safety.

52. Nowadays drunk drivers are fewer and fewer because of China’s traffic safety law.

53. Underage children should drive to school.

54. Drivers must have driving licenses.

55. According to the passage the writer lives in a big city.


Anna was a cute and smart girl. Anna was very happy on Tuesday because her mother would give her a beautiful gift for her four–year–old birthday. But she waited for a long time; her mother did not come back. Finally, her father came back. He looked tired and very sad. Anna threw herself into father’s arms happily and asked innocently when her mother came back because she missed her. Seeing his own darling daughter, Anna’s father stood his pain. He knew he had no right to be sad and he must let his daughter have a happy life. He smiled and said, “Dear baby, I am sorry that your mother is on business in Hong Kong. I miss her, too. I will buy some things for you and tell stories for you, OK? ”

In fact, Anna’s mother had died for heart disease on that day. Anna did not know about it. Since then, her father played together with her and told stories every day. Anna still missed her mother. She hoped her mother could come back early. After two years, Anna’s father decided to marry a girl as Anna’s mother. He thought there was disadvantage for Anna without a mother. When Anna saw the strange girl at home, her father said to her, “Honey, hurry up to hug your mother. Don’t you know her? She is your mother. She is just thinner and younger.”

The next day, Anna said to the strange girl, “Please follow me.” At the garden, Anna told the girl, “Yesterday I heard my grandparents say about my mother’s death. I know you are not my mother. But I hope my father is very happy for ever. If you can keep the secret and never tell him about my mother’s death, I may call you‘mum’.


56. Anna’s father felt             when he knew his wife’s death.

A. happy        B. lonely      C. relaxed      D. sad and painful

57. What does the underlined word “innocently” mean?

A.聪明地       B.天真地      C.难过地        D.不相信地

58. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Anna’s mother died when was six years old.

B. Anna’s father liked the strange girl best, he wanted to marry her.

C. Anna didn’t miss her mother.

D. Anna specially loved her parents.

59. Why would Anna call the strange girl‘mum’?

A. Because the strange girl was beautiful and young.

B. Because the strange girl loved Anna.

C. Because Anna hoped the strange girl kept the secret about her mother’s death and she hoped her father was happy for ever

D. Because Anna was too young and didn’t know her mother’s death.

60. What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Love makes people sad.               B. Love has already died.

C. We needn’t love.                    D. Keeping the secret for love.


A nine-year-old boy went to an ice-cream shop. He wanted to buy ice-cream for himself. A waitress(女服务员)asked him, “What do you want to buy, my boy? What about coffee?” “How much is ice-cream?” the boy asked. “Five dollars” The waitress answered. The boy took out his money from his pocket, put it on the table and counted(数) it.

After a while, he asked, “Do you have cheap ice-cream?” The waitress was not patient, “Four dollars, I don’t know if you will buy ice-cream, other people are waiting for me.” The boy counted his money again, then he said, “I will buy cheap ice-cream, here is the money, four dollars. Thank you.”

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标签: 2014   中考英语模拟题
