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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9947

A.Don't think highly of yourself  B.Don't look down upon yourself

C.Don't look at yourself            D.Don't sell yourself for little money B.根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,注意时态和语态。必要时用否定句。


6.Where is the_________ desk ? Can you help them to find it? (twin)

7.We are sure that China can hold the 2008 Olympic Games___________.(success)

8.I don't have enough money right now.So I think I'd like to buy a _____car. (use)

9.The population problem has become a big one at the end of the _______century.

( twenty )

10.They had no __________in themselves. That’s why lost the game.(confident)

11.Tea or coffee _________ in the hotel for free.  (serve)

12.The busier he is,the ________he feels. ( happy )

13.So far they _________  from their son yet. So they are worried about him.(hear)

14.Can you tell me what__________ next.(do)

15.After they had a short rest,they went on___________ (walk).



16.实现、成为现实_____________     17.终年___________________

18.与……无关________________      19.上网查资料___________________



21.worn out ______________         22.No Parking___________________

23.on one's way home______________ 24.make fun of__________________

25.one after another______________



(    )1.一Oh!I came in a hurry and I haven't brought any food with me.

—Never mind.You can have_________.

A.us           B.ours           C.you          D.yours

(    )2.一You look very nice in dark blue.


A.I don't mind                     B.No,not at,all

C.That's all right                 D.Thank you

(    )3.—______ you ________ to the radio?

—No,you can turn it off.

A.Did,listen                     B.Have,listened

C.Do,listen                      D.Are,listening

(    )4.— Please write to me when you are free.

—Sure,But _______ is your e-mail address?

A.when          B.where          C.what          D.which

(    )5.一Would you like to go shopping with me?

一I’d love to.But I'm afraid I ______.I have lots of homework to do.

A.can't        B.mustn't          C.needn't       D.may not

(    )6.--I bought a new coat. It ________ me 300 yuan.

—How_______it is!

A.paid,cheap    B.cost,high    C.spent,expensive   D.cost,dear


(    ) 7.--Why do you learn English so  hard?

--It’s very important __________ a foreign language.

A.to learn      B.1earns        C.1earned            D.1earn

(    )8.一What's the matter with you?

一1 wasn't________and fell off the bike at the corner of the road.

A.careful enough                 B.enough careful

C.carefully enough               D.enough carefully

(    )9.一Which sign can you see at a seaside?

— ___________.

A.                                            B.

C.                                              D.

(    )10.The Changjiang River is longer than _________ in China.

A.any river                         B.all the rivers

C.any other rivet                   D.all of the river

(    )11.一Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?

________is OK.I’m free today and tomorrow.

A.Either       B.Neither          C.Both         D.None

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标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语模拟题
