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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9363


听力部分 20 分






(  )6.Who didn’t come to school on time?

A.Daniel and Kitty.    B.Simon and Kitty.

C.Daniel and Simon.

()7.Why didn’t they come to school on time?

A.Because they got up late

B.Because of the heavy rain they didn’t catch the early bus.

C.The traffic was bad because of the heavy for.


(  )8.What are they talking about now?

A.Chinese.    B.English.    C.Maths.

(  )9.Is Dick good at listening?

A.Sorry,I don’t know.    B.Yes,he is.

C.N0,he isn’t

10. Which one does Dick like best?

A. Reading.                  B.Writing.                  C. Listening.


11. Who is Jenny going to see?

A. Jim' s uncle.          B. Her father' s brother.        C. Her father' s sister.

12. When will she leave for Hangzhou ?

A. On Sunday.                 B. On Friday.                 C. Tomorrow.

13. How long will the journey take?

A.10hours.                 B.6hours.                   C.4 hours.

14. Why doesn't her uncle come to meet her at the station?

A. He is ill.                   B.Hecan'tdrive.             C. He has no

15. What will the weather be like in Hangzhou?

A. Cloudy and rainy.           B. Dry and cold.              C. Wet and quite cold.






单项选择 从A,B,C,D选项中,选出可以填入空白的最佳答案 10分

(   )21. --When do you go shopping '9

--I usually go shopping ________Sunday morning.

A. on                         B. in                        C. at

(  )22. --Is that Mary?

--Right. She's nice and I like________ very much.

A. herself                     B. her                       C. hers

(   )23. --There is some soup on the table, isn't________

---No, I think that's water.

A. there                    B. it                       C. that

(  )24. --This box is________ heavy for me to carry. Can you help me?


A. so                          B. very                        C. toe

(   )25. --Is your father a doctor .9

--Yes, he is . He________ in Town Hospital.

A. has worked                   B. had worked                  C. works

(   )26. I When ________ you ________ the bike?

--Last month.

A. have/bought                B. had/bought                C. did/buy

(   )27. --I want to teach in this area.

--Well, teachers ________ very much here.

A. need                       B. are needing                C. are needed

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标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语模拟题
