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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9363

(   )28. --Where can I find Jack?

--He ________ the post office.

A. has been to                 B has gone to                 C. had gone to

(   )29. --How long will you stay here?

--1 think I will be here for ________ more days.

A. few                       B. a few                     C. a little

(   )30. --How about going out for a walk?

A. I would be                  B. I like                      C. I'd like to


What if you are getting ready for tomorrow's exam when your friend gives a ticket for an exciting film? If you can give up seeing the film and work at your lessons, we     31     you have strong self-control (  自控力  ). Self - control is not    32    you have with your birth. It needs to be cultivated( 建立,发展   ) in your     33     . Sometimes you are attracted by one of the stories that is not worth

34      . You shouldn't waste your time reading      35      book, or you will feel      36 later.

You'd better not     37      because of a nice TV program, or you will go to school late. 38     should you stay in bed too late on a cold winter morning,     39     it is a waste of time. Every one of us has some habits, a few of which      40      keep us from making progress in life. Then we must use our self- control to become free of them.

It' s important for everyone to cultivate strong self- control in life.

(   )31.A, say                B. tell                C. talk

(   )32. A. anything            B. something           C. everything

(  )33. A. spirit             B. mind

C. life

(   )34. A. writing             B. reading             C. to read

(   )35.A. so a kind of        B. such a kind of      C. such kind

(   )36. A. worried              B. sorry                C. stressed out

(  )37. A. stay up            B. go to bed          C. wake up

(  )38. A. Neither           B. Either            C. Both

(   )39. A. for                 B. but                C. so

(   )40. A. might               B. should              C. need

阅读理解 40分



Qian Zhongshu was one of the most well - know Chinese writers to the western world. Born onNovember 21, 1910 in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, he grew up with his uncle, who didn't have a son.

Qian liked reading books and had a surprising memory. He only needed to read something once before learning it by heart. When he was a small boy, his uncle often took him to tea house. He liked reading story books in the tea house. When they returned home, he could repeat the stories to his cousins.

Qian went to Tsinghua University in 1929. although he failed his math test, he entered the university because hw was so good at Chinese and English. In Tsinghua he met Yang Jiang and they got married in 1935. two years later, their daughter Qian Yuan was born.

Qian died of illness on December 19, 1998. He left many works to the world. His most famous novel, Fortress Besieged(《围城》),came out in l 947.It has been translated into more than six foreign languages.

41. Qian Zhongshu stayed with his uncle at his early age because his uncle just had one son.

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