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[10-15 23:24:34]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9827




1.A.Though they’re old,they like to enjoy music.

B.They’re old,but they can enjoy music.

C.They’re old,so they can’t enjoy music.

2.A.My mother has gone to Shanghai.

B.My mother has arrived in Shanghai at 3 o’clock.

C.My mother visited Shanghai for 3 times but she isn’t there now.

3.A.A stranger want to find a hospital.

B.A stranger took the woman to the hospital.

C.The woman was going to hospital.

4.A.You’re lucky,aren’t you?

B.How are you?

C.What’s the matter with your arm?

5.A.Linda has already got Jane’s book.

B.Jane borrowed a book from Linda.

C.Linda lent a book to Jane.


6.A.Raining heavily.

B.Snowing,but not heavily.

C.Snowing heavily.

7.A.11:15.           B.11:05.           C.10:11.

8.A.He was cleaning the floor.

B.He was drawing on the wall.

C.He was playing football.

9.A.The cinema.              B.The office.

C.The hospital.

10.A.He has worked in China for five years.

B.He is going to work in China for five years.

C.He worked in China five years ago.


11.A.It’s Thursday.                B.It’s June 20.

C.It’s 8:05.             D.It’s a fine day.

12.A.Never mind.

B.Certainly.Here you are.

C.That’s a good idea.

D.I am sorry to hear that.

13.A.This is Kate speaking.


C.You’re welcome.

D.What’s the matter?

14.A.Good morning,teacher.

B.Good evening,teacher.

C.Good afternoon,teacher.

D.Good night,teacher.

15.A.That’s OK.             B.Thanks.

C.Bye-bye.              D.Not at all.


16.A.To teach.              B.To repair a car.

C.To drive.              D.To learn English.

17.A.A month ago.             B.A week ago.

C.A year ago.              D.3 years ago.

18.A.On a busy road.

B.On a quiet road.

C.On a school playground.

D.In a busy market.

19.A.I’m afraid of cars.

B.The road was full of cars and people.

C.It was rainy.

D.The teacher asked me to do so.

20.A.I went home.             B.I had a rest.

C.I went shopping.             D.I did nothing.




21.Be quick! We must catch the early bus.

A.be in time for              B.hold

C.have               D.get on

22.Please hand me the book,John.

A.send              B.buy               C.leave              D.pass

23.The boy is the first one to be a member of the League in his class.

A.hold                B.remember

C.leave                D.join

24.Miss Li usually walks to school to keep healthy.

A.goes to school on foot

B.rushes to school

C.leaves school

D.rides to school

25.It’s very nice of you to help me with my English.

A.bad                B.kind

C.old                D.new


26.It’s hard to say who will________the match in the end.They’re neck and neck now.

A.win                B.kick

C.play                D.fight

27.I’ll go to the English Corner this Sunday________.

A.if it will be fine              B.if I’m free

C.when I have no time             D.because I am busy

28.I thought it was a good idea,but he didn’t ________me.

A.send for               B.lend to

C.point to               D.agree with

29.Mother told her son________in the street.

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