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[10-15 23:24:34]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9827

A.not play               B.to not play

C.doesn’t play               D.not to play

30.They are going to have________holiday next month.

A.two weeks              B.a two weeks

C.a two-week               D.two-week

31.My parents________Shanghai for 10 years.

A.have been in              B.have been to

C.have gone to              D.have been

32.This TV set is too noisy.Will you please________?

A.turn down it              B.turn it down

C.to turn it down             D.to turn down it

33.These books should________to the library on time.

A.send               B.be returned

C.give back               D.be got back

34.________Jim________Kate broke the mirror.The cat did.

A.Both;and              B.Either;or

C.Neither;nor              D.Not;but

35.You’re late again.Why________a little earlier?

A.not you come              B.do you come

C.don’t you come              D.not coming



When we talk about the universe,we 36 the earth,the sun,the moon and the stars,and the space   37 them.Scientists have always wanted to know more about the universe.

Years 38 they knew many things about the moon.They knew 39 it was and how far away it was from the earth. 40 they wanted to know more about it.They thought the best way was to send    41 to the moon.In 1969,two Americans landed on the moon.

The moon is about 384 000 kilometres away from the earth.A plane cannot fly to the moon because the air 42 only 240 kilometres away from the earth.But something can fly even when there is no 43 .That is a rocket(火箭).

44 does a rocket fly?There is gas(气体)in it.When the gas is made very 45 inside the rocket,it will rush out of the end of rocket,so it can make the rocket 46 the sky.

Rockets can fly far out into space.Rockets with people in them 47 the moon.Several rockets without people in them have 48 to another planet(行星)much farther away than the moon.One day rockets 49 be able to go to 50 place in space.

36.A.know                   B.mean

C.say                D.point

37.A.without              B.behind

C.between               D.over

38.A.before              B.after

C.later               D.ago

39.A.how long              B.how heavy

C.how wide              D.how big

40.A.So               B.Because

C.After               D.But

41.A.men               B.satellites

C.spaceships              D.news

42.A.gets               B.reaches

C.arrives               D.stays

43.A.air               B.space

C.cloud               D.smoke

44.A.Where              B.When

C.How               D.What

45.A.cook               B.cold

C.hot                D.warm

46.A.to run out of             B.run out of

C.to fly up into              D.fly up into

47.A.have been to              B.have gone to

C.have been in               D.have gone in

48.A.visited              B.flown

C.risen               D.fallen

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