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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9417

A. Keeping learning from any job you had.

B. Asking no money for work.

C. Finishing work as quickly as possible.

D. Keeping looking for different jobs.

40. The writer probably thinks his father is _________.

A. lazy   B. helpful            C. careless        D. funny

第II卷(主观题 共45分)

四、词汇运用 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)


41. There are several ways to solve this problem. Let’s have a ___________(讨论) now

42. People________(呼吸) more slowly when they are asleep.

43. Peter can’t go and I can’t ,__________(也)

44. Hand-foot-mouth disease is terrible, but I believe that we Chinese can fight against it _____________(成功地)

45. Mrs Gao is the _________(严格的)teacher I have met in my life.


46. At present people like to eat _________(health) food and do more exercise.

47. The three _________(spaceman) of the spaceship were warmly welcomed in Hongkong.

48. He has had a bad toothache. He must be at the____________(dentist) at the moment.

49. Daniel’s mother has devoted ____________(she) to the teaching of Home Economics.

50.He is very happy because tomorrow is his _________(九十) birthday



51. She _________ (write) twenty pop songs which are liked by fans by the end of last year.

52. ________(quarrel) with others isn’t good manners for everyone.

53.-          the price           (include) coffee and hamburgers?

-I’m afraid not.

54The teacher told us that three quarters of our earth                (cover) by water.

55. Everyone knows that the disabled mustn’t __________ (laugh) at

56. We should try our best to prevent the air pollution                (live) a happy life.

57. With all lights on, the hall ________ (become) as bright as day when we arrived.

58. How soon do you think we                 (get) to the hotel?

59. Mr. Green told me that his family                (go) for a holiday the next week.

60. –Did you see him come in just now?

--No, I                 (type) a letter all the time.

六、完成句子 (本大题9分,每小题1.5分)



When                                , the documentary had been on for half an hour.

62. 与地震相比而言,近来核泄漏对日本人产生更坏的影响。

Compared with the earthquake , the nuclear leak  ___________    the people in Japan recently.

63. 你能否向我解释一下,为什么我的电脑经常出故障?

Can you explain to me                                                ?

64. 他经常怀疑是否值得如此勤奋学习。

He often doubts whether ______________________________           .


Thanks for

66. 你做练习越细心,你犯错误就越少。

The more carefully you do the exercises,                                  .

七、短缺词填空 (本大题共6分,每格0.5分)



Being safe in your everyday life needs k    67       . If you remember the following i        68   , your life will be much safer.

★ Always n     69     the environment around you. You shouldn’t walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything d      70    happens, you can find them e     71   .

★ Your bag should be c    72      towards the front of your body i    73     of putting it on your b     74     . When a bus is full of people, it is easy  for a thief to take away your bag.

★ If you are f      75    by someone you don’t know, cross the street and go to the o   76    way, let the person understand that you know he or she is a   77    you. Next, don’t go home at once. You are s____  78      in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语模拟题
