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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9727




(一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。

1.A. Much better, thanks.   B. I agree with you.

C. I don't think so .

2. A. Well, that's all.    B. I'm afraid not.

C. Yes, I do.

3. A. No, I'm not.   B. Yes, I am.  C. Oh, thank you.

4. A. OK.    B. Neither do I.  C. Not bad.

5.A. It's a pleasure.  B. I said I had finished the job.

C. Please understand it.


6. What is Mary’s mother?

A.A nurse B.A doctor.   C.A worker.

7. Where are they talking?

A. At a cinema    .B. At a bus stop.

C. At a restaurant.

8. Why did the woman go to work by bus yesterday?

A. She didn’t like walking.  B. Her bike was broken.

C. It was far away from her home.

9. What sport does Alex like best?

A. Football.  B. Basketball.  C. Ping-pong.

10. How does the man go to the post office?

A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot


11. What is the woman’s name?

A. Shirley   B. Helen.  C. Bill

12. Where was she at 10:30 yesterday?

A. At the desk.   B. At the gate.

C. At home.

13. What was Mike doing then?

A. Talking to a customer.   B. Counting money.

C. Working on the computer.

14. What time did the woman leave the bank?

A. At 10:30.  B. At 5:00.  C. At 4:30.

15. How many people were there in the bank?

A. 3.   B. 6.   C. 7.




16. Maria is _____ American girl. She can play _____ chess very well, but she can't play _____ trumpet.

A. an; the; the B. a; / ; the C. an; / ; the D. a; the; /

17. Mike wasn’t at home yesterday. He _______ to help with Jenny’s English.

A. was asking B. is asked  C. is asking  D. was asked

18. —Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside.


A. Not at all.    B. Sure, go ahead

C. Why not?   D. Yes, I would

19. We should use      plastic bags to help the environment. Let’s say goodbye to them.

A. fewer  B. more   C. some   D. less

20. I had a very unusual      yesterday. I saw a UFO land in front of me.

A. decision  B. test  C. friend   D. experience

21.I don’t think Ken did such a stupid thing,      ?

A.do I   B.did I   C.did he  D.does  he

22. All the people have learned ______ knowledge about earthquake after the Wenchuan Earthquake.

A. much more    B. more much

C. many more    D. more many

23. The shoes ____belong to Tom, because they ____big for him.

A. mustn’t; much too    B. mustn’t; too much

C. can’t; too much      D. can’t; much too

24. The charity _________ the children with new books and backpacks.

A. provided  B. offered   C. gave   D. brought

25. —He didn’t stay up late last night.


A. So did I     B. So didn’t I

C. Neither did I   D. Neither didn’t I

26.Look! ______ workers are making bicycles. They have already made five ______ bicycles.

A. Hundreds; hundreds  B. Hundred of; hundreds

C. Hundreds; hundred of  D. Hundreds of; hundred

27.The movie Batman and Joker is ______ one that I’ve ever seen.

A. more exciting    B. more excited

C. the most exciting   D. the most excited

28. —My father has decided to _________ smoking.

—That’s good news for us. I hope so.

A. give up B. take out  C. give in  D. turn off

29. These books_ well, and they will      soon.

A. sell; sell out     B. are sold; sell out

C. sell; be sold out   D. are sold; sold out

30. This machine needs       once a year in order to work properly.

A. to check  B. checking  C. check   D. checked

31. He spent _____time on his homework that he made a lot of mistakes

A. such little       B. too little

C. so much        D. so little

32.When I went into the room,I found it     already.

A is cleaned B was cleaning  C to clean  D cleaned

33.Look, the little sheep _____ grass happily with their mother.

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