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普华永道2010笔试题 DOC

  • 大小:19.0 KB
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 类型:知识管理
  • 下载次数:9663
  • 更新时间:10-12 23:58:16
  • 名称:
  • 应用平台:|WinXP|Win7|WinAll|

11. study at home by using technology and in traditional schools ,which do you like? Why?

12. 问对今后改善环境是否Optimistic

13. technology如何改变你的生活。

14. the best vacation

15. do you disagree or agree one can judge people by first impressions

16. 近100年什么对社会起的变化最大

17. your future plan

18. 经常出差的利和弊


20. How do you rate your analytical ability? why?

21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a freely convertible currency?

22. Do you think China will allow the RMB to freely flood on the international market in the next 5 years?

23. 你喜欢的一部电影,为什么喜欢?

24. 为什么中国现在那么多人买车?

25. 介绍一个TV program, about what, why u like/dislike it

26. has technology given us a better life

27. 旅游,什么印象最深

28 你的创新能力,举例

29. Describe a movie star in Hong Kong or Mainland China and why?

30. Say something about movie and TV program

31. 我最喜欢的交流方式是什么,在什么时候会使用,为什么


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标签: 知识管理

