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Garden City and its neighbors
[10-15 23:08:56] 来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com 初一英语教案 阅读:9778次以下是www.xiaozhibei.com为您推荐的Garden City and its neighbors,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。
Garden City and its neighbors
Language focus:
Asking ‘How questions to find out means
e.g. How are we going to get to the Exhibition centre?
Using modals to make suggestions
e.g. Shall we travel by underground?
Using prepositional phrases to indicate means
e.g. by bus/by ferry/by underground
Asking ‘How’ questions to find out the length of a period of time
e.g. How long does it take?
1 Explain to students what an exhibition means.
2 Review and introduce new vocabulary
3 Look, read and think.Students listen and follow in their books.
1 Tell them that Danny, Kally and Kitty are going to read the map and the information about different routes first. Invite the more able students to come to the front of the classroom and role-play Danny, Kally, Kitty and Miss Guo in Picture 4 of Look, read and think, with the information in Photocopiable page 1. Other students listen carefully and check the answers.
Make some enlarged photocopies of the map with routes marked. Ask students to work in groups of three. Distribute a copy of the map to each group. Ask each student in each group to choose a route and talk about it. Ask one student from each group to come to the front and tell the rest of the class about their chosen route.
Grammar Practice Book 7A page1
Unit 1: An Exhibition (Second period)
Language focus:
Using proper nouns to refer to places.
e.g. Tokyo / Japan / Beijing / Chinese / Bangkok / Thailand / the Great Wall
Using adjectives to show position.
e.g. It is east of Beijing.
Using adverbs to express frequency.
e.g. Tourists usually go shopping in Tokyo.
They always visit the Great Wall.
Using the simple present tense to express interests.
e.g. They love eating sushi. They like riding bicycles.
Bring a world map and some holiday brochures about Beijing, Tokyo and Bangkok to class. Cue the cassette.
I. Warming-up:
II. Pre-task preparation:
Language learning activity:
This section aims at providing students with opportunities to practice the language / vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.
1. Introduce the concept of international cities. You may provide students with a world map, showing the location of Beijing, Tokyo and Bangkok.
2. Bring some holiday brochures about Beijing, Tokyo and Bangkok to class. Circulate them around the class to let students have a rough idea what these three cities look like.
3. Review and introduce new vocabulary items, e.g. exploring, capital, huge department stores, famous hotels, museums, palaces, sightseeing, temples.
4. Review / Introduce: south-west. Draw a compass on the board. Label and review the directions (east, south, west, north) with students first. Then label the other four directions as well, i.e. north-east, south-east, south-west, north-west.
5. Give students some time to read the passage.
6. Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.
7. Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.
8. Ask students whether they have ever visited Beijing, Tokyo or Bangkok. Ask students what they know about these places: What can you see in Beijing / Tokyo / Bangkok? What can you find in Beijing / Tokyo / Bangkok? What can you eat in Beijing / Tokyo / Bangkok? Where can you go in Beijing / Tokyo / Bangkok?
Where can you visit in Beijing / Tokyo / Bangkok? What do you love doing in Beijing / Tokyo / Bangkok? What do you like doing in Beijing / Tokyo / Bangkok? What do you enjoy doing in Beijing / Tokyo / Bangkok? to elicit: I can see .../ I can find .../ I can eat .../ I can go .../ I can visit .../ I love .../ I like .../ I enjoy ...
III. Consolidation:
Workbook page 1.
Grammar Practice Book 7A page 2
Unit 1: An Exhibition (Third period)
Language focus:
Asking ‘How’ questions to find out distance
e.g. How far is it from Beijing to…?
Asking ‘How’ questions to find out the length of a period of time
e.g. How long does it take to travel from Beijing to…by sea/ air?
Using nouns to indicate distance
e.g. It’s about … kilometers.
Using noun phrases to indicate time
e.g. It takes about (number) and a half hours/days.
一Pre-task preparation
I Give students some time to read the information in Look and read.
2 Make sure students can differentiate between 'How far'and 'How long'. 'How far' is used to find out distance.'How long' is used to find out the length of a period of time.
3 Review/Introduce: by sea and by air.
4 Students practise in pairs the target language in Ask and answer by asking and answering each other's questions with information from the table in Look and read. First, have one partner ask questions by using 'How far' and the other provides answers. Then swap the roles and ask questions by using 'How long'. They are required to help each other correct the answers if necessary.
二While-task procedure
Students work in groups of six. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 2 to each group. Students discuss and find out how many students in the group have travelled to Singapore, Bangkok and Tokyo by air. One representative in each group should ask questions, like this: Have you been to Singapore by air? Have you been to Bangkok by air.2 Have you been to Tokyo by air? The rest of
the group members should answer the questions one by one, like this: Yes, I have./No, I haven't. Then the representative of each group is required to compare and write down the findings of the other groups in order to complete the survey form.
标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案