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初一英语An invitation to the cinema教案

[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9604

There are four adverts below. They are about Taijiquan class, Magic show, the film of The Lion King and the football match between Dalian and Shanghai. When is the Magic show? Where is the football match? Do you know the answers after reading?

1 Where is the football match? →c It’s at Dalian Stadium.

2 Where is the Tayiguan class? →b It’s at Garden Hotel.

3 When is the magic show? →d It’s in the evening.

4 When is The Lion King? →a It’s in the afternoon and in the evening.


3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the adverts.

Work with your partner. Ask each other questions and answer these questions. These questions are about the adverts on page 34. How many adverts are there in the passage? When is the football match? Is it in the morning? No, it isn’t. The football match is in the afternoon. Where is the film? Is it in Sun Theatre? No, it isn’t. The film is at New Times Cinema. What is the name of the film? It is The Lion King. Where is the football match? Is it in Shanghai Stadium? No, it isn’t. The football match is in Dalian Stadium.

Are you ready now? Please ask and answer with your partners.

Where is the film? It’s at New Times Cinema.

When is the Taijiquan class? It’s in the morning.

Where is the Taijiquan? It’s at Garden Hotel.

When is the film? It’s in the afternoon and in the evening.

Where is the Magic show? It’s at Sun Theatre.

When is the Magic show? It’s in the evening.

Where is the football match? It’s at Dalian Stadium.

When is the football match? It’s in the afternoon.

4 Work in pairs. Ask and say when and where things are.

Work with your partner. Make as many sentences as you can. Use where and when in the questions. Use in, at or on in the answers. Practice the use of such words.

Where is the piano lesson? In the classroom.

When is the piano lesson? In the afternoon.

Where is the basketball match? At Dalian Stadium.

When is the basketball match? At 8:00 in the morning.

Where is the football match? At Dalian Stadium.

When is the football match? On Saturday.

Where is the Taijiquan class? At Garden Hotel.

When is the Taijiquan class? In the morning.

Where is the table tennis match? At our stadium.

When is the table tennis match? On Sunday.

Where is the swimming lesson? In our swimming pool.

When is the swimming lesson? In the afternoon.


5 Read the email and fill in the blanks with these phrases.

In the afternoon at New Times Cinema on Friday

Please read the following email. Fill in the blanks with the phrases above. Read aloud the email after you finished. This is an email invitation. What are they going to do? Where are they going? What film are they going to see? Please pay attention to these details while reading.

6 Write your own email invitation.

In this section, please try writing your own email invitation. Do you know how to write an email to invite your friend to do something with you? You need to write down the following things. What is the invitation about? When is it? Where is it? Please finish this email invitation yourself.

From: _Cecilia_(your name)

To: __Kelly__(your friend's name)

Day: _Thursday_(day of the week)


Would you like to come to the magic show on Sunday? The magic show is very interesting. It’s in the morning and in the afternoon. It’s at Sun Theatre.

Best wishes

Cecilia_(your name)

Unit 3 Language in use

■Warming up

Hi, everyone. Would you like to go to the park? There is an English Book Show there. It’s at the park gate. It’s on Sunday. Let’s go in the Sunday afternoon, OK?


Would you like to go to the cinema? Let’s go in the evening.

It’s at the cinema. It’s on Sunday.

1 Look at the two tables and make a conversation.

Look at the two tables on page 36. They are Sam’s plan and Tom’s plan for this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. What can you see from their plans? Are there any differences between their plans? What is Sam going to do on Friday night? What is Tom going to do on Sunday morning? Now please make a conversation with your partner. Use the following tables.

Tom: Hello. (on the phone)

Sam: Hello, Tom. It’s Friday today. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

Tom: I would love to. But there is a football match tonight. It’s my favourite football team. I think I will watch the game.

Sam: That’s OK. What are you going to do tomorrow?

Tom: I will do my homework tomorrow. What about you?

Sam: I will do my homework, too. On Sunday I will visit my grandma. What about you?

Tom: Well, I will play football and do homework.

Sam’s Plan

Friday Saturday Sunday

Morning Have classes Do homework

Afternoon Have classes Visit Grandma

Night Go to the cinema

Tom’s plan

Friday Saturday Sunday

Morning Have classes Play football


Have classes Do homework Do homework


Watch football match

2 Complete the invitations.Use Would you like or Let’s.

We can use sentences of would you like or let’s to invite people. The following sentence is an example. Please complete the invitations with them. Do you know all their meanings?

Would you like to go to the playground?

1 Would you like to go to the football match? 2 Let’s go to a Taijiquan class.

3 Let’s stay at home. 4 Would you like go to the cinema?

5 Would you like to watch TV? 6 Let’s play basketball.

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标签: invitation   初一英语教案
