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初一英语My favorite subject is science教案及反思

[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9270




课型:听力课型 (Listening Comprehension)


教学目标:At the end of the lesson, students can be able to:

1. Be more familiar with expressions of describing attitudes: boring, difficult, busy, interesting, fun, cool, easy, free etc.

2. Describe their favorite subjects to their partners.

3. Discover what they like most and tell the reasons.


1. While listening, students can circle some key words which are required to be mastered.

Students can be brave and confident enough to express their favor in a certain subject.


1. Students should know what a schedule means.

2. Students should learn to understand what a schedule involves and how to make it clear.

教学方法:Task-based teaching method


Steps Name of activity/task Teacher's activities Students' activities

Step1:Warming-up and revision Ask and say 1. What day is it today?

2. What's your favourite subject and why? Answer the questions individually.

1. Today is Monday...

2. My favourite subject is English because it's interesting...


本活动主要是帮助学生复习一周每天以及各个学科的英语表达和why 问句的意义。

Step 2: Pre-listening 1. Assign the task of doing the exercises in 1a.

2. Play the recordings and instruct students about what they are going to do. 1. Finish the exercises in 1a.

2. Listen to the tape carefully and check the words they hear in 1a.

Purpose 本活动主要是为接下来的较难的听力任务输入关键词,提前让学生熟悉听力材料。

Step 3: While-listening 1. Lead the students to go through the blank and understand how to get information from it.

2. Assign the task for students to circle the classes David talks about on this schedule. 1. Listen to the teacher carefully and catch what they should do.

2. Concentrate their mind on the tape and get the answers for questions.

Purpose 本活动是让学生学会在听力材料中获取所需要的信息,过滤一些不重要的信息。

Step 4 Post-listening 1. Ask students to find out the characteristics of a schedule and conclude some main points.

2. Discuss with partners about their favourite subjects using the examples in the right form.

3. Pair work presentation. 1. Find out characteristics of a schedule with partners

2. Talk about their own favourite subject to partners.

3. Presentations

Purpose 通过讨论,可以让学生更加熟悉各类学科和如何表达计划,同时提高表达能力。

Homework Take 1c as an example, write down your schedule of a whole week in details.








1. Improve the ability of reading

a. Learn to grasp the keywords and then to pick up the information needed.

b. Learn to find the information from the passage.

c. Master the skill of finding the mainline of the passage.

2. Revise the forms of the letter.

3. Learn to make a suitable timetable.


1. Learn the words about subjects: P.E., science, history, biology, math, English, Chinese.

2. Learn the seven days of a week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

3. Learn the description words: busy, tired, difficult, relaxing, interesting, fun, boring, strict.


1. Learn to make a suitable timetable.

2. Learn to write a letter.

教学方法:task-based teaching method


Steps Name of activity/task Teacher's activities Students' activities

Step1:Warming-up and revision Ask and say 1. Ask questions to help Ss to review:

What’s your/his/her/ favorite subject?

Why do you like P.E.?

Who is your art teacher?

When do you have math?

2. Ask Ss which day is their favorite day and write down the schedule and then report it.

1. Answer the questions.

2. Write down the schedule.

3. Do the report.



Step 2: Pre-reading 1. Give questions to Ss before they read the passage.

(1)Underline the things Lin Mei likes and circle the things she doesn’t like.

(2)What’s Lin Mei’s favorite subject?

(3)Does Lin Mei like math? Why?

(4)Who is her music teacher? Does she like her music teacher? Why?

(5)Complete Lin Mei’s schedule with the information from this letter.

2.Let Ss read the passage and find out the answer. 1. Read the questions

2. Read the passage and find out the answers.

Purpose 本活动主要是让学生带着问题去阅读,有针对性,提高效率。

Step 3: While-reading 1. Ask Ss to be concentrated.

2. Get Ss to guess the meanings of the new words in the passage according to the context. 1. To be concentrated on reading.

2. Guess the meanings of the new words in the passage according to the context.

Purpose 本活动的目的是让学生在阅读中集中精神,并且提高他们利用上下文猜单词的意识。

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标签: science   初一英语教案
