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初一英语My favorite subject is science教案及反思

[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9270

Step 4 Post-reading 1. Ask Ss to answer the questions.

2. Explain the new vocabulary. 1. Answer the questions.

2. Learn the new vocabulary.

Purpose 通过回答问题,让学生对文章的了解更透彻;并学会运用文章里面的表达来描述自己的学习上课时间表。

Homework Write out your schedule of school day.








a. Help students to master some writing skills about the Email;

b. Let the Students be able to use what have learned in the writings and learn to connect the knowledge

2. 情感态度目标

a. Develop students’good habits of studying and life and the ability to use the multi-media to communicate with others

b. Develop students’writing interests


重点:1.Review the words like subject,science,physical,education,P.E.,biology,math,gymnastic,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,why,because and so on and some phrases :What’s your favorite subject?/Why do you like...?/ Who is your...teacher?/When is the class? It is on...

2. Consolidate what have learned about describing the characteristic of different subjects;

难点:1. The writing skills about writing an email;

2.To write an email

教学方法:Communicative Approach; Task-based Teaching and learning approach; Revision; Discussion


Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Step1: Review and lead-in 1.Greetings

2.show the cover of books about different subjects to the Ss, and ask them to say them in English as soon as possible.


2.Answering the questions

Purpose 复习所学有关科目的单词,引起学生兴趣,进入学习的环境。

Step2: Exercise Ask the Ss to finish the exercise in self check and discuss it after finishing Doing the exercise and discuss with the partner

Purpose 回归课本,进一步巩固前几节课所学的单词句型,让学生能够做到温故而知新,起到承上启下的作用。

Step3: Pre-writing

1. lead in the the writing of an Email: ask the students to think about if you want to send a letter to a friend as soon as possible, what is the best way?

2. show the style and format of email to the Ss and teach them how to write an email: the similar as writing a letter

3. Ask the Ss to finish 3a and then read together

4. Ask the Ss to use the knowledge in self check finish the blanks in 3b and talk about it the the partner 1.look at the screen and answer the questions

2.Follow the teacher’s instructions and get about the format of email

3. Finish the exercise in 3a and find the correct answer, then read together

4. Finish the exercise in 3b according to the instructions

Purpose 给学生足够的信息输入,引导学生掌握写Email的格式,为写作做好充分的准备。

Step4: while- writing 1. Tell the Ss the main task is to write an email about Friday schedule to the friends

2. Emphasis the key writings aspects they should know and guide them to pay attention to the format of the email(Ask the Ss to refer to the example in 3a)

3. Repeat the writing parts. Guide the Ss the first part is the greetings; for the body part, guide the Ss to describe their Friday schedule according to 3b;as for making a conclusion, tell the students to write a suggestion or something as writing a letter.(Teacher writes some topic formwork on the Bb )

4. Ask Ss to start writing

5. Go around the classroom and help the Ss if their needed while they are writing

1. Follow the teacher’s instructions

2. Write a draft in a paper as soon as possible

3. Discuss with the partner or ask the teacher for help

4. They need about eight minutes to finish the paper

Purpose 让学生实际操练,真正掌握一定的写作技巧,学会整合所学的知识,运用所复习的单词,句型进行写作,从而提高写作能力。在情感方面也可以起到让学生对课程安排的了解,培养良好的学习、生活习惯等目的。

Step5: post-writing

(Evaluation) 1. Ask the Ss to exchange their papers to their partners(they can form a group with four or five person)

2. Chose one paper from each group optionally, and then read to the Ss and ask them to make some comments

3. Ask Ss to discuss in group and choose one excellent paper , then praise them.

4. Show some good sample writings on the screen to the students, and ask them read together 1.Form a group and exchange the paper

2. Make a comment for the writing papers the teacher chose

3.Discuss in groups and choose one excellent paper for the teacher

4.Follow the teacher’s comment and congratulate the excellent work(applaud)

5. Look at the screen and learn some excellent sentences in the sample writings, then read together

Purpose 学生通过自评,互评和讨论的活动对作品进行评估,能够促进他们互相学习。通过对学生作品的评价,可激发起他们写作的兴趣。

Step6: Homework

1.Summarize what have learned this class

2.Ask the Ss to rewrite their own writing papers after class and send it to friends if possible 1. Listen to the teacher carefully and record the homework

2. finish the homework after class

Purpose 巩固所学的知识


Unit 9 My Favourite Subject is Science

Email format

First part----Greetings

Main body---the description of the subjects

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标签: science   初一英语教案
