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[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9121

2.Ability Objects:Reading skill.Writing skill.

3.Moral Object: Learn how to cooperate.

Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points

volleyball game event art festivalpop concertschool trip choruslecture music

Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points

When is the basketball game?It’s on October 3rd.

When is it?It’s in April.

Ⅳ.Teaching Method:Scene teaching method.

Ⅴ.Teaching Aids:Objects.Pictures.

Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures

Step Ⅰ

Greet the class as usual and check the Homework.

Step Ⅱ

Teach new words.Bring out a volleyball.Tell the students:This is a volleyball.Then show a picture about a volleyball match.Teach the word:volleyball game.

art n.艺术;美术;艺术品

festival n.(音乐、芭蕾舞、戏剧等之)节;节目

Spring Festival春节

Art Festival艺术节

pop adj.通俗的;流行的;大众的

pop songs流行歌曲

concert n.音乐会

school day学校上课日(指非假日)

chorus n.合唱团;合唱曲

ecture n.演讲;讲课

music n.音乐


Step Ⅲ 3a Pairwork

Ask students to work in pairs.Ask and answer questions to complete the schedule.Give an example.When is the basketball game?It’s on October 3rd.

Make sure students know what to do.

Check answers at last.


A:When’s the basketball game?

B:It’s on October 3rd.

A:When’s the English speech contest?

B:It’s on October 7th.

A:When’s Dave’s birthday party?

B:It’s on October 19th.

A:When’s the school trip?

A:It’s on October 26th and 27th.

A:When’s the volleyball game?

B:It’s on October 30th.

(This activity provides guided oral and writing practice using the target language.)

Step Ⅳ 3b Pairwork

Ask students to read the list of events to the class.Imagine you are a school headmaster.Which of these events will you have at your school?Complete the chart below.Ask questions about your partner’s school.

Then let students do exercise in the box.There are five events in the box.Check(√)the boxes.Write the month if you know it.

(This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target langua ge.)

Step Ⅴ Groupwork

Ask students to do a game.Each student writes five things on a piece of paper.Let students write their age,birthday,what they like or don’t like such as food,movies.Then ask students to exchange papers.Ask a student to read a paper.Let other students guess who it is.

(This activity provides reading,writing and oral practice using the target language.)

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

This class we’ve had a lot of reading,writing and oral practice.After class you can have more practice.

The Sixth Period

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Object:All the key words and structures in Unit 8.

2.Ability Object:Practice skill.

3.Moral Object:Learn from Lu Xun,Li Siguang and so on.Study hard and be a useful person to the society.

Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points

birthday date month party school trip speech contest basketball game

Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points

When is your birthday?/My birthday is November 11th/.When is Lei La’s birthday?/Her birthday is September 5th.

Ⅳ.Teaching Method:Check method.

Ⅴ.Teaching Aids:The blackboard.Test papers.

Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures

Self Check

Step Ⅰ Greet the class as usual.

Step Ⅱ 1

Ask students to look at key word check.If they don’t know some of them,they can ask each other or use a dictionary.

(This activity provides a comprehensive review of all key vocabulary presented in this unit.)

Step Ⅲ 2

Ask students to write five new words in their vocab-builder on Page 52.After that ask some of them to report their lists to the whole class.

(This activity helps build vocabulary by providing a specific time and place for students to record new words.)

Step Ⅳ 3

Look at the photos of famous people.

Ask:Do you know their names,ages and birthdays?How do you think about them?If you don’t know,you can access the Internet to try and find more information after class.

Now let’s look at the first one.This is Thomas Edison.He was a great inventor.He invented many things.Who can tell me?All right.Electricity.

He made a lot of contribution to the world.We must learn from him.Study hard and be a useful person to the society.


Thomas Edison Birthday:February 11,1847

Lu Xun Birthday:November 25,1881

Li Siguang Birthday:October 26,1889

Isaac Newton Birthday:December 25,1642

Nie Er Birthday:February 14,1912

Marie CurieBirthday:December 7,1867

(This activity gives students the opportunity to use birthdays in a real context.)

Step Ⅴ Just for Fun

Ask students to read the conversation.Explain the meaning to them.Ask students to say the conversation for the class.

(This activity provides guided reading practice with the target language.)

Step Ⅵ Homework

(1)Workbook Pages 32-33.


1.When_______your birthday?

2.Tom will have a basketball game_______July.

3.Bill was born_______May 14th.

4.How old_______your brother?

5.Women’s Day is _______March 8th.


1.Children’s Day A.December 25th

2.National Day B.June 1st

3.Christmas Day C. October 1st

4.New Year’s Day D.September 10th

5.Teacher’s Day E.January 1st

Answers:(2)1.is 2.in 3.on 4.is 5.on

(3)1.B 2.C 3.A 4. E 5.D



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

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