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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语同步练习   阅读:9574


Choosing a Date for the Barbeque


Anna: So let's choose a date for the basketball team barbeque. We should plan it for the first part of June when the weather is good, and it's not too hot.

Li Lian: Okay, I've got the calendar here.

Anna: How about June first?

Li Lian: That sounds good. Oh no, wait. Tina's birthday is June first, and she's having a party. And the big basketball finals are on Saturday, so Saturday is no good for the barbeque either.

Anna:Okay, how about the following Friday, June eighth?

Li Lian: June eighth is no good. The school trip is in the afternoon, and I'm not sure what time we return.

Anna: How about Thursday, June seventh then?

Li Lian: That's no good either. We have a big test Friday morning, before the school trip. We should study for the test on Thursday night.

Anna: Well, that leaves Saturday ninth.

Li Lian: I think everyone is free then. Let's have the barbeque on the ninth.




标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语同步练习
