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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语暑假作业   阅读:9904

(  )6 Jim wanted to stay for the night _____.

A in his car B in a hotel C at home D on the road

(  )7 Jim stopped his car to ____.

A buy something   B drive the old man home

C ask the way      D repair it

(  )8 The old man took Jim to _____.

A a policeman  B the Sun Hotel  C his house  D the cinema

(  )9 In fact , it’s only about ____ kilometres to get to the Sun Hotel from the place where the driver asked the old man the way .

A 3  B  6   C  9  D 12

(  )10 That day Jim drove ___ kilometres to the Sun Hotel after he asked the old man the way .

A 18  B 36  C 24  D 21

B 判断正误 ,正(T),误(F) .

Jim Green is twelve years old . He has a little sister ,Kate. Kate is only four years old .Today is Sunday .Jim wants to go fishing but his mother is busy . So he has to take Kate with him and look after her . Two hours later Jim comes back . “ I will never take Kate to go fishing again ,” he says to his mother .  “ Oh , Jim ,” says Mrs Green , “ Kate is very small . She is only four years old .You can tell her not to move . And you can tell her not to make any noise .”  “Mum ,she doesn’t make any noise ,and she doesn’t move .”  “ She is a good girl .why don’t you want to take her ?” Mother asks .    “ But she eats all the food for the fish !”

(  )1 Mrs Green has one son .

(  )2 Kate can look after herself .

(  )3 Kate doesn’t move or make any noise .

(  )4 Jim doesn’t fish anything .

(  )5 Jim and Kate like eating the food for the fish .


Imagine (假设) you are sick , and the doctor asks you to stay in bed for a day or two . You have to write to your teacher to ask for two days’ sick leave . (About 50 words ) 格式正确,内容合理。






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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语暑假作业
