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I must ask him to give up smoking

[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9609
S8: Brushing teeth twice a day. Good!

3. (教师将全班分成四组,通过group work完成3b。)

T: Next, work in groups and list some other living habits then discuss whether these living habits are good or bad for your health. After the discussion, one of your group members need to give a report in the front.

4. (通过活动,使大家在欢快的氛围中获得知识。)

(1)T: Class activities! Look at the screen again. Let’s chant fol lowing the tape.


(2)T: Then let’s play an interesting game.

(教师解释Musical Chair,并说明游戏规则:将五个凳子放在教室前面,摆成圆形。找六名自愿参加游戏的同学到前面来,围绕凳子站着,当教师播放chant时,六名学生顺时针围绕凳子慢跑,教师停止播放,六名同学抢五把凳子,不许用手推人,没有抢到凳子的同学退出,并撤一把凳子,游戏继续,直到决出优胜。)


Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)

1. (教师提出问题,让同学收集答案。每次请4-6名学生帮助老师收集答案。)

T: You can walk around our classroom and help me find the answers. My question is what is good for your health.


What’s good for your health?

T: Let me see who can get the most answers. Go!

S1: What’s good for your health?

S2: Doing morning exercises.

S1: What’s good for your health?

S3: Washing hands before meals.

S1: …

Sn: …



以同样方式完成问题what’s bad for your health?

T: Well done! Thank you! Now let’s make another survey. The question is what is bad for your health, begin!

S7: What’s bad for your health?

S8: Staying up late.

S9: What’s bad for your health?

S10: Going to school without having breakfast.


2. (学习生活常识,深化健康活动。)

T: You all did well today, boys and girls. So I will give you a gift now.

Ss: What?

T: An English song “Keeping Fit”.


Keeping Fit

Eat well for your breakfast,

Eat right for your lunch,

Eat a little for your supper,

You can always keep fit.


T: Let me sing this song for you, OK?

Ss: Yeah!

T: Do you like it?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK, follow me. I will teach you.


3. Homework:



I must ask him to give up smoking.

Section A

be good for It’s good for your health.

stay up late Staying up late is bad for your health.

give up I must ask him to give up smoking.

look tired I’m sorry to hear that.

You should go to bed early tonight.

Section B

The main activities are 1a, 1b and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a、1b和2a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some useful words and expressions:

article, cause, cancer, give up, litter, energy, necessary

2. Learn the modals for necessity: must, must not

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)

1. (通过Ask and answer的方式点评作业,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。)

T: What is good for your health, S1?

S1: Washing hands before meals.

Going to bed early.

Doing morning exercises.

S2: Brushing teeth twice a day.

S3: Keeping short fingernails.

T: What’s bad for your health?

S4: Staying up late.

Keeping long fi ngernails.

S5: Going to school without breakfast.

Eating too many candies.

S6: Working too long.

T: Well done!


2. (在日常生活中发现不良习惯。)

T: Is smoking good or bad?

Ss: Bad!

T: Oh, smoking is bad for our health. Why is it bad? Today we will learn a dialog, then we can get the answer from it.

(教师朗读对话1a ,然后在黑板上板书生词,教师要给予解释并领读。)


article, cause, cancer, give up

3. (读个别生词,加深印象。)

T: Boys and girls, please read the words loudly.


T: Now, please look at this card, (卡片上写着词组) and make sentences.

T: give up S1.

S1: Don’t give up studying English.

S2: Give up smoking.

(本课应准备的卡片词组为:give up, throw about, be bad for…, put…into, remember to do…, remember doing)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)

1. (听1a录音,回答问题。)

T: Look at these questions.


(1)Is smoking good or bad for his health?

(2)What may smoking cause?

T: Please listen to the tape, and find out the answers.


T: Now, please read it again. Then find out the key words in this dialog.


relax, yellow, cough, say, lung

T: OK. Please practice 1a in pairs, then act it out according to the key words.



2. (再读1a,请学生找出关键句型、短语。)

T: Well done! Please find out the main points in 1a.

S1: ask sb. to do sth.

S2: give up doing sth.

S3: …


ask ab. to do sth.

ask sb. not to do sth.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语教案
