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How often do you exercise ? 教案

[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9592

以下是www.xiaozhibei.com为您推荐的初二英语教案How often do you exercise ? 教案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。

 How often do you exercise ? 教案

设计理念根据教材的特点,本单元应该用“任务型教学模式”来教学。本单元共分Section and SectionB两部分,在每部分中,都有一个任务链,在每个任务链中,都有四个任务,而在每个具体的任务中,有分若干个子任务。它们是关联的,是一个有机的整体,教师在教学时,不可鼓励、分割,要明确其服务关系、逻辑关系、先后顺序的内在关系。驾驶可以知道学生妄称任务,让学生自己动手,自己研究,自己发现,自己总结。从而获得响应的语言知识和学习经验。教师做好课堂活动的合理安排。


1、能听懂以always , usually , once a week…等频率副词为中心的日常活动话题(activities)

2、能听懂以how often 等词为引导词的日常生活习惯话题(habits for health).

3、能以What do they do on weekends ?和How often do you do thr activity ?为话题展开pairwork对话。





8、部分重要的单词和短语(how often .on weekends .go to the movies …time .Internet .program . habit )


看图识词 、 听力配对 、 情景交际 、 综合演绎 、 读表解词 、 相互协作


1、通过What du you usually do on weekends ? 这个话题的讨论,从而培养学生学会与人沟通,善于交际、关心别人、融入社会的能力品质。

2、通过相互的调查与讨论,让他们自己得出什么样的英语学习习惯,才是最好的学习讨论方法:什么样的生活习惯,才是最健康的。输送健康概念, 从小就培养学生科学健康的世界观和积极进去的人生观。

重 难 点重点:

1、以”What do …”句型为引导的日常活动:reading , watch TV , go to the movies , shop , exercise , sleep , drink milk , eat vegetables等。

2、以 “How often…”句型为引导的话题及词汇:always , usually,often , sometimes ,hardly ever , never , three times a week 等。


概率词(all , most ,some , none等)与频率副词(always , usually , often , sometimes , hardly ever , never 等 )的区别

教 法情景导入 、情景交际 、 综合演绎 、 读表解词 、 相互协作

学 法看图识词 、 听力配对 、 情景交际 、 综合演绎 、 读表解词 、 相互协作

教学准备Some pictures , some cards , a recoder , a tape , a computer multimedia

教学过程(主要环节) 个性展示

The First Period(SectionA 1a -2a)

Step 1 Greetings

Greet students as usual .

Step 2 Presentation

Show a calendar to students .

T: What’s this ? Can you name it ?

Ss : It’s a calendar .

T : Very good . Look , this is the weekend . Saturday and Sunday are the weekends .What do you do on weekends ?First have students dicuss and answer the question like this .

A : What do you do on weekends ?

B : I often play football.

Then have students open books at P1 . And look at the picture . Make a list of the different weekend activities and describe it . eg : A girl is shopping . At the same time , show some new words , how often , hadly ever , twice , once and explain frequency words eg: always means every day ….

Then direct out “how often …?”

A : What do you usually watch TV on weekends ?

B : I usually watch TV on weekends .

A : How often do you watch TV ?

B : I watch TV once a week/three times a month/every day(告诉学生这是表频率的词)…(The teacher must help students answer the question.因为这可以加强学生对语言的感知,用这个办法反复练习两三组句子,学生自然就会这种语言的表达了)

Step 3 Listening and writing

Have students listen to a conversation carefully twice and find out haw often they do on weekends . Then check answers from the left to the right . a , c , e , d , d , a , .Then have students read the tapescript after the tape and explain the meaning of always ,usually , often…eg : always means every day usually means many times a week….

Step 4 Pairwork

Have students talk about what they do on weekends and How often do they do something each other ?

Eg :

A : What do you do sth on weekends ?

B : I often do sth .

A : How often do you do sth ?

B : I do sth every .

Then have some pairs to act out their conversations.

Step5 Practise in writing .

First help students finish “question for underlined part ”

Eg: He goes to the movies three times a month .

How often does he go to the movies ?

Then have students finish the following evercises .

1 . I often go to the movies . (对划线部分提问)

2 .他每周看一次电视。(翻译成英语)

Step 6 Summarization

Summarize what they have learned with students .

Step 7 Homework

1 .Revise the points that have learned today .

2 . Finish exercise 1 and 2 in wokbook.

3 . Preview P2.

Blackboard design :

The second period (SectionA 2b-3)

Step1 Greetings

Greet students as usual

Step 2 Revision

Revise “what do you do on weekends ? I…. How often do you do sth ?” by asking these questions . Students answer them .

Step 3 Presentation

Show a chart to students like this .

ActivitiesHow often

Watch TVEvery day

Surf the Internet

Read English books

Go to the movies


First have a student or the teacher make a model like this

A : How often do you watch TV every day ?

B : I watch TV every day .

A : What’s your favorite program ?

B : It’s Animal World .

Step 4 Pairwork

First have students fill in the chart and then make conversations in pairs . Then ask some pairs to act out their conversations .

Step 5 Listening exercises

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标签: exercise   初二英语教案
