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Unit 4 How is food made?

[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9566

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Unit 4 How is food made?

Using ‘going to’ to describe events that will occur quite soon

e.g. Kitty and her classmates are going to do project.

Using the simple present tense to express thoughts

e.g. I think I’m going to investigate bread.

Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a food item.

e.g. Which food are you going to investigate in your project?

Language skills:


Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriately. Identify main, ideas of a new topic.

Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression.


Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions or providing information on a topic. Maintain an interaction by asking and responding to others’ opinions.


Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression

Recognize recurrent patterns in language structure, such as word structure, word order, sentence structure, organization of text-types.


Student’s Book 7B page 20

Cassette 7B and a cassette player


Cue the cassette.

Pre-task preparation

Language learning activity

(This section aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language/vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.

1. Ask students if they know where the food sold at supermarkets is made. Some students may give the correct answer: ‘factories’. Ask students whether they have ever visited certain food factories and whether they know how food is produced in factories. Conduct a survey to find out the types of food factories students have visited. List the types of food factories students have visited. List the type of food on the board.

2. Ask any students who have visited food factories to talk about their visited. If most of the students have never visited a food factory, a class trip to a factory could be arranged to give them background knowledge in food production. Encourage students to talk about what food production they would like to know more about

3. Tell student they are going to do a project on investigating how a certain kind of food is made. Explain to students the meaning of the world ‘investigate’. Ask individuals the subject of their investigation, like this: Which food are you going to investigate in your project? to elicit: I am going to investigate (name of food). /My project is going to be about (name of food).

4. Play the recording: Read. Students listen and follow in their books.

5. Ask students to say what food the children in Read have chosen to study.

6. Review the food vocabulary in Look, ask and answer. Ask students to suggest some more food items they would like to investigate.

7. Students work in pairs to ask and answer questions about a food project in Look, ask and answer using the target language.


Language focus:

Using connectives to show a result

e.g. I’m investigating how food is put cans, so I need to talk to someone at a canning factory.

Using ‘going to’ to describe events that will occur quite soon.

e.g. My project’s going to be about orange juice.

Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a thing and a person.

e.g. What’s your project going to be about?/ Who do you need to interview for your project?

Language skills:


Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriately. Understand the connection between ideas by recognizing linking words and phrases.


Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions or providing information on a topic. Maintain an interaction by asking and responding to others’ opinions.


Recognize recurrent patterns in language structure, such as word structure, word order, sentence structure, organization of text-types.

Understand the connection between ideas by identifying linking words or phrases.

Scan a text to locate specific information


Student’s Book 7B page 21

Cassette 7B and a cassette player

Workbook 7B page 13

Photocopiable page 15


Cue the cassette. Make a copy of Photocopiable page 15 for each group.

Pre-task preparation

Language learning activity

(This section aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language/vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.

1. Write on the board a list of food items and a list of food factories in two separate columns. Tell students to match the food items to the factories, e.g. yoghurt to dairy; frozen fish to frozen fish factory; noodles to noodle factory, etc. Ask individuals to suggest some more food items they want to investigate and the kind of factory they will visit. Add their suggestion to the columns.

2. Ask individuals questions, like this: What is your project going to be about? To elicit: My project’s going to be about (name of food). Then ask: Who do you need to interview for your project? To elicit: I need to interview someone at a (place).

3. Invite students to come forward and talk about the food item they are going to investigate, like this: I’m investigating how yoghurt is made, so I need to interview someone at a dairy. Explain to students that they should use the connective ‘so’ to explain what action they are going to take to do the investigation. Remember there is no need for students to learn the passive voice at this stage.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
