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How often do you exercise ? 教案

[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9592
First have students listen listen to the tape once .

At the same time , tell students the conversation about Cheng is talking how often he does different avtivities .First number the activities they hear (1-5) . Then have students listen again and tyr to match his activities with the number of times he does them .

Then check the answers 2a : 31542

2b He reads every day . He goes to the movies once a month .

Step 6 Presentation

Show new words and teach them .Then have students read the magazine article , and use the information in the boxes below to help you . Then have students read it again and find out the key and difficult points . And dicuss and ubderstand them . The teacher helps to solve the problem that students can’t . eg : Here are/ is …这里有… the results of…….的目标 three or four times a week 一周三四次 once or twice a week 一周一两次 as for 由于

Step 7 Summarization

Summarize what they have learned .

Step8 Homework

1 . Revision

2 .词形变化

(1) He goes to Beijing _____ (one) a month .

(2)This morning Judy got up very early as ___(usually ) .

(3) These ___(active) are very interesting .

3 .将下列汉语翻译成英语






Blackboard design :

The Third Period(SeationA 4—SestionB 2c)

Step 1 Greetings

Greet students as usual .

Step 2 Revision

According to students’ survey before class and ask them to report and find out who’s the best English student .

Step3 Presentation

Show new words on the screen and teach them . And show some pictures of everyday activities and talk about our everyday habits .(By this way , Step into new lesson naturally .) Then the teacher talks about his/her eating habits or hobbies . Next have students talk about their own eating habbits each other like this .

A : How often do you drink milk , Mary ?

B : I drink milk every day .

A : Do you like it ?

B : No , But my mother wants me to…?

Then explain “want sb to do 想要某人做某事” be good for 有益于… and make model sentences with them .And let students make some sentences .

Step 4 Listening .

T: Now you will hear a reporter interview two people , Katrina and Bill . Before listening , we shall talk about a question “what is healthy?” If I never exercise and never eat any junk food , am I healthy ?

Ss : No .

T : If I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink milk , am I healthy ?

Ss : Yes .

T : Now listen to the recording and decide if Bill and Katrina are healthy .Circleyour answer to each question .

The first tiome , you only listen .The second time , circle Yes , No , or I don’t know . Finlly , let’s read the tapescript , underlining all the expressions .

2b We have got to know about about Ka trina and Bill’s healthy . Listen again and fill in the blanks in the suevey about how often they do the things .Then check answers .

Step 5 Pairwork

Have students look at the example in the speech bubbles . and haave two students read it to the class . And have students work with their partner . StudentA is the interviewer .Students B is Katrins .

Ask and answer questions about the things in the suevey . Then changa roles . StudentA , you will be Bill , and StudentB ,He/She will be the interviewer . Then ask and answer the questions for the class , using as many Wh-questions as possible .

Step 6 Practice in class

Make sentences with the phrases(be good for . want sb to do sth) that students have learned in this class in writing .

Step 7 Summarization

Ask students to summarize what they have learned.

Step 8 Homework

1 . Finish exercise 2 and 3 in workbook .

2 . Remenber some new words

3 . Preview P5 3a and try to answer the five questions .

Blackboard design:

The Fourth Period(SectionB 3a-4)

Step 1Greetings

Greet students as usual.

Step 2 Duty Report

Step 3 Revision

Revise some key words and phrases by translating .

Ask some pairs to act out the survey in the last lesson .(这可以反映一下他们上节课2c 部分的完成情况,也可起到一个复习巩固的作用。)

Step 4 Presenttion

Show new words on the screen and teach them .

Step 5 Reading

(3a) Have students read part of Katrina’s letter to a pen pal and answer the questions .Then check the answers . Then have students read the text again and underline some key phrases .eg : The teacher helps to understand and use them .come home from school放学回家 . eating habits 饮食习惯 . a lot of = lots of 许多 try to do sth 试图做某事 .look after = take care of 照顾 help sb to do 帮助某人做某事 .get good grades 取得好成绩 make a difference to 使结果不同Next read the text aloud after the tape .In order to correct the pronunciation

(3b)Have students read and fill in the blanks in Bill’s letter . Explain some key phrases : kind of means a little

Keep healthy means be in good health

Step 6 Survey

T : Let’s look at the survey on P81 and read the first three questions . Then pay attention to the spaces for 4 through b .You can write your own questions here .eg ; 4 . How often do you eat fruit ?

…Then finish the following survey chart like this:


1 .How often do you exercise ?SometimesEvery dayHardly ever

2 . How often do you eat vegetables ?


(对于这个调查表格,可能有少数学生完成起来有些难度,尽量鼓励他们去做,可做些个别指导,也可发挥下组的力量,相互帮助一下,尽量全体学生都动起来。)Then have some groups report their survey report .And try to find out who is the healthiest ? This is a little interesting for students .

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标签: exercise   初二英语教案
