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How often do you exercise ? 教案

[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9592

Step 7 Writing about yourself

T : Now write about yourself . what healthy things do you do ? How often ? What unhealthy things do you do ? How often do you do these unhealthy things ? Finish the writing by yourself . Then read your article to the class . In order to help students who have difficulties in English . We can write a model composition . eg :

I think I’m very healthy . I usually exercise every day . My eating habits are good . I eat fruit every day . I never drink coffee….(根据时间情况,如果课堂时间较紧张,可以让学生下课后继续完成这个习作练习,老师加以批改并评讲)

Step 8 Summarization

Summarize what they have learned .

Step 9 Homework

1 . Go on finishing writing exercises

2 . Preview self check

3 . 词形变化

(1) He says it’s bad for his ____ (unhealthy).

(2) She tries ___ (eat) a lot of beef .

(3) Their ____(sleep) habits are pretty good .

(4) Lily’s are ___(difference) from yours .

(5)My mother wants ___(I) to drink it .

4 . 句型转换

(1)Danniel sleeps nine hours every night .(对划线部分提问)_______________________________

(2) I’m not healthy .(同义句转换)__________________

Blackboard design:

The Fifth Period (self check )

Step 1 Greetings

Greet students as usual .

Step 2 Duty report

Step 3 Part 1 Fill in the blanks

First have students fill in the blanks .Then check the answers . Then have students discuss and make sentences wuth these words in pairs .And ask some students make some model sentences for other students .

Step 4 Writing about famous persons

T: Who is your favorite star ? Maybe it’s a sports star or a singer . It also can be a dancer or a businessman . Please collect some information about his or her personality , hobby , eating habit , and so on . Then introduce this person to us .eg :

Jay Chou is a famous Chinese singer .He ususlly starts the day with breakfast . He often has eggs for breakfast . He practices singsing every day…(这个话题是学生感兴趣的话题,可以利用这个契机,引导他们很愉快的完成这个任务,为了更顺利的完成,最好在课前就叫学生去收集有关名人的信息。)

Step 5 Just for fun

We can use this chance to teach students an English song .

Step 6 Revision and Summarization

Revise the key language points with students.

Step 7 Homework

1 .Revise this unit and prepare for this unit test

2 .Preview Unit2



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标签: exercise   初二英语教案
