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How long have you been collecting shells学案

[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9434

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How long have you been collecting shells学案

【课题】:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? . Section A (1a-2c)

【励志小木屋】:Good habits are the best friends of man. 良好的习惯是益友


知识目标 1.识记并会运用单词collect, shell, pair, skate, since

2.理解并运用短语 for five years, a pair of...

3. 掌握并运用句型(1) --- How long have you been skating ?

--- I have been skating for five hours.

(2) --- How long have you been skating ?

--- I have been skating since I was seven years old.




难点:have /has been and have/has gone 的区别.


(一) 预习任务

Task One 预习本单元的单词 1)个人自读,记忆本课单词2)小组互相检查单词读的情况

收集_______ 贝壳________ 一双 __________溜冰鞋__________ 自从_____马拉松赛跑 ____________ 一双溜冰鞋 ____________ 在马拉松赛中 _______

Task Two:自主预习1b,2a,2b的听力

1.试译以下句子I’ve been skating for five hours.______________

I skated for four hours.________________________

2. 以上两个句子有什么区别_________________

3.拓展练习 a. 自从八点开始,我就已经滑冰了。__________________________

b. 我读过这本书._________________

c. 我收集贝壳已经两年了。_____________________________

Task Three :how 的相关词组:

how________多少(钱)  how _______多少(人) how________多远  how ________多久一次 how_______多大 how ________ 多久以后

(二)预习诊断. 从B栏中找出A栏相应的答语


1. How long has Alison been skating?

2. How long did Sam skate?

3. Was this your first skating marathon ?

4. Do you skate every day ?

5. When did you get your first pair of skates ?


A . Yes , I do.

B . No, Iskated in a marathon last year.

C . She has been skating for five hours.

D . On my tenth birthday.

E . He skated for four hours.

(三)预习反思 Do you have any questions ?


Step 1 预习交流------精讲点拨

1. --- How long have you been collecting shells?

--- I have been skating since I was seven years old.

(1) how long意为“多长时间”,对时间段提问,常用for+时间段或since ... 等表示一段时间的短语回答,for+时间段== since+时间段+ago 。例如:

for five years = since five years ago

(2) how long还可以对物体长度进行提问。例如:How long is the river?

2. since I was 7 years old . 自从我七岁以来。

(1) Since 作conj.时,意为“自从;自……以来”,用来引导时间状语从句。Since从句常用过去时,主句常用完成时。

My father has taught here since he left school.

(3) 作prep.时,意为“自从;自……以来”,后接表示过去时间点的名词。

She has been ill since 1999.

Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in Step4 Pairwork

Step 5 拓展延伸:用所给词的适当形式填空。

run, collect, for, since, pair

1. My hobby is ________ shells.

2. Mom, my shoes are old. Could you buy me a new _________ ?

3. She has been playing the piano ______ she was 4 years old.

4. I’ve been studying English _____ over 5 years.

5. Was this your first _____ marathon ?

Step 6 系统总结

三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________

1. There are many beautiful s________ on the beach.

2. I have lived in Los Angeles s______ I was born.

3. She’s going to buy a p_______ of shoes.

4. The boy likes c_______ stamps.

5. --- _____ shall we start for Shanghai ? --- At eight o’clock tomorrow morning .

A. How long B. When C. How soon

6. ---- ______ have you been standing here ? --- For half an hour.

A. When B. Where C. How long

7. --- ______ you ____ to the party yesterday? ----- Yes, I did.

A. Did ; go B. Have; been C. Do; go

8. There ____ a pair of shoes under the bed. A. is B. are C. were

9. _______ (滑冰) is good for health.

10. He played computer games for 3 hours.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ________ he play computer games?



标签: collecting   初二英语教案
