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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9445



(    ) 26. I have _____ useful dictionary. Do you have ______?

A. a, one     B. a, it      C. an, that     D. an, one

(    ) 27. ---What’s he like?     ---________.

A. He’s a good student.             B.He likes playing basketball.

B. He’s often late for school.        D.He’s polite and helpful.

(    ) 28. My teacher told me to finish the work. But I didn’t know _______.

A. how to do it B. what to do it    C. where to do     D. when to do

(    ) 29. What a nice time they had ______ together yesterday!

A. to play      B. playing      C. play       D. played

(    ) 30. Try to sing English songs, and you’ll find it easy ________ a foreign language.

A.learning       B.learns          C.learn          D. to learn

(    ) 31. ---It’s _____ to listen to what Jim says.         --- Yes, he’s not good at it.

A. important     B. useless        C. popular      D. useful

(    ) 32. I think _     ____necessary __    _____ to take more exercise.

A. it, for Jim and me   B. it’s, to Jim and me          C.that , for Jim and I     D. that’s, to Jim and I

(    ) 33. Mr. Smith was ill ______. He had to have three weeks ______.

A. in hospital, off     B. in the hospital, rest         C. in hospital, rest    D. in the hospital, off

(    ) 34. To give is better than _______.

A. to get      B. getting          C. get          D. geting

(    ) 35. ---I want to catch the bus to Shanghai.         ---______. There is no time.

A. Come on    B. Be careful        C. Have a good time    D. Good luck

(    ) 36. I did my homework very __      ____, so my father looked ___      ___.

A. careless, angry      B. carelessly, angrily       C. carelessly, angry       D. careless, angrily

(    ) 37. Don’t ______ until the bus stops. Or it’s too dangerous.

A. get it on     B. get into it         C. get off it        D. get it off

(    ) 38. ---Let’s ask him to _____ us to play a game.    ---Ok. Pass the coin from one of the students to _______.

A. join, another   B. join, the other      C. join in, another  D. join in, the other

(    ) 39. ---Don’t forget to come tomorrow.         --- OK, _______.

A. I will       B. we won’t         C. I do          D. I don’t

(    ) 40. Kitty ______ Linda out.

A. planed to take  B. will plan take      C. planned to take   D. planned taking

(    ) 41. Jim told me about this. And I decided to keep it _____.

A. to himself     B. for himself        C. for him         D. to him

(    ) 42. Tom’s mother told him not to make noise, in order not to wake up the ________ baby.

A.sleepy        B. asleep            C. sleep             D. sleeping

(    ) 43.The lion was watching a zebra ________ across it, suddenly it ran to catch it.

A. to walk        B.walk              C walks              D.walking

(    ) 44. Don’t worry about your boy. His temperature will ______ back to normal(正常)if he takes this medicine.

A. drop          B. rise               C.go                D.travel

(    ) 45. The winter comes, it is ________ snow everywhere, and the big tree is ________ deep white snow now.

A. full with, covered with     B. fill with, covered in     C. full of, covered in    D. fill to, covered with

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
