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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9445

(    ) 76. It may be less important to sleep than to _______.

A. think      B. dream      C. work       D. study

(    ) 77. Dreams and films are usually ______.

A. very long     B. in colour    C. about work   D. very sad

(    ) 78. Why do some people often dream about their work?

A. Because they are tired in the daytime.                  B. Because they are not interested in their work.

C. Because they may be thinking about their work all day.    D. Because they have too much work to do.

(    ) 79. When we sleep more, we have a ______ dream.

A. shorter      B. longer              C. worse               D. weaker

(    ) 80. The main idea of the story is that______.

A. what dream is   B. people like to sleep    C. dreams are like films   D. we always remember dreams



1. Do you like the song Two ___________ (蝴蝶)。

2. Practise more,then you will have a lot of good ___________(记忆)。

3. Now it’s the season to __________(收获)

4. The wind blew in and the paper fell down u__________ the ground.

5. Ice turns into water when the _________(温度) is above 0.


1.The __________(travel) are planning to go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

2. This pen looks ___________ (shine) and beautiful, I think it must be more expensive than mine.

3. Please answer the ___________(follow) questions.

4. Walking on the moon is like ____________(jump).

5. Jane, don’t forget ____________(turn) off the TV before going out.

6. What fun it is ___________(fly) kites in autumn.

7. Our football team played ____________(awful) of all. We were very sad!

8. Beijing is in the        ____ (north) part of China.

9. The boy is too poor to go to school. He has to teach______________(he) at home.

10. Can you finish_________(write ) the letter in half an hour?


Here’s a story of Little Betty.

Little Betty is in Grade Two now. Her school is not (1) ______ from her home, but she is often _______ for school. She likes watching TV, listening to popular songs in the evening and goes to bed late. So she can’t get up on time in the morning.

This term Mr. White teaches Grade 2 history. He is very strict(严格)with the students, of course with Betty, too. He often tells Betty to come to school on time.

Today Betty gets up late again. When she runs to school, it’s a quarter past eight. Mr. White is waiting for her at the school gate. “(2) You are ten minutes late for the first class, Betty.” Mr. white says angrily, “Why are you often late for class?”

“Every time when I get up the street corner. I always see a guide post(标志牌). It says ‘SCHOOL GO SLOW!’” says Betty.

1. 在(1)句空白处填入适当的单词使句意完整,上下文通顺。

________________   ________________

2. 在(2)句译成中文。


3. 回答问题:Why can’t Betty get up on time in the morning?


4. 在文中找出与Mr. White is a history teacher of Grade 2 this term. 意思相同的句子。


5. 在文中找出最能表达该短文主题的句子。



Do you live in a big city? Do you like the traffic in your city?

There are too m___1___ accidents(事故)in big cities. Accidents often h__2__ when people are not careful, especially(特别,尤其)when they want to c__3__ the road. Why does it happen sometimes? Let me tell you.

When it rains, people are in a h__4__ because they don’t want to get w__5__. They often go across the road q__6__. Often they can’t see c__7__ because they hold umbrellas in front of them. Then accidents may happen at that time. Everyone knows that cars take l__8__ time to stop when it’s raining. So we must be more c__9__ if we want to be safe. Remember everyone has only one l__10__ and we must protect ourselves well.

1.                 2.                 3.                 4.                   5.

6.                 7.                 8.                 9.                  10.


今年春天你去上海野生动物园(Shanghai Wildlife Zoo)参观。请请根据你所观所感,写一篇短文,要点如下:1.那天天气晴朗,风和日丽;


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