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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9445







1. M: Sally, where are your shoes?          W: What’s wrong, dad? Mom helped me wash them yesterday.

2. M: Mom, where were we last Sunday? I want to write a diary.       W: Let me see. Did we go to the park?

M: Oh, no.                                                W: Yes. We went to the library.

3. W: What did you do?           M: I went for a walk. And then I bought a newspaper. After that I ate something.

4. M: Mrs. Read, are you from America?      W: Yes, but I was born in England.

5. M: Could you ride a bike when you were four, Mary?

W: No I couldn’t. But my sister Ann could when she was four. And she could ride a horse, too. My mother said I could swim when I was four.

M: How clever you are!

6. M: Who’s the boy on the bike?           W: I think he is Mike.

7. M: Ann, are you free next Monday?       W: I think so. Why?

M; shall we go to the cinema?

8. W: Hi, Li Lei. Tomorrow is Friday. What are you going to do?\

M: I don’t know what to do.             W: Shall we go fishing in the park?

9. W: Are you on foot today, Tom?          M: Yes, my bike is in Lin Tao and Li Lei’s room.

10. M: When shall we meet?

W: What about a quarter past ten?        M: Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past nine.


M: Jenny, can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?     W: Sure, I’d love to. When, Mike?

M: At about 3:00 o’clock.                                 W:OK.


M: Do you like dogs?                                    W: Yes, I like dogs best. What about you?

M: I like tigers better. They are called the king of the animals. If they are hungry, they just catch any animals they want.

W: I also like giant pandas. They only live in China.            M: That’s right.


W: Hello, Bruce. What a beautiful day!                       M: Yes, it is, Kate.

W: I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.              M: Party? What party?

W: It’s my birthday, and I’m going to have a party. Didn’t you know?             M: No, I didn’t.

W: Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you. Would you like to come?    M: Sure. I would love to come. Thanks.


W: Are you going to Beijing Amusement Park tomorrow?        M: Yes, but I’m not going there by underground.

W: Oh, why not?                   M: I’m staying at my aunt’s flat tonight. She is driving me there after breakfast.

W: Shall we meet at the gate at 9 a.m.?

M: Yes, of course. We are leaving her flat at 8 a.m., so I won’t be late. Shall we have our lunch there?

W: Oh, of course. Mr. Wu will bring hamburgers for everyone.    M: Oh, that’s great. See you then.


Mike and Henry are good friends. They’re going to Washington by plane next Friday. Mike’s uncle lives there. He’s going to meet them there. He is going to take them to the White House. Mike says they’re going to stay in Washington for a week. After that, they’re going to come back by ship. They’re going to tell us something about America.



1-5 CCABC        6-10BABCB        11-15BCABB       16-20CABAC      21-25CBABC


26-30 ADABD      31-35BAAAA       36-40CCABC       41-45CDDAC


46-50 DACBB      51-55CDABD       56-60ABDCA


61-65 CACBA      66-70 CABCB       71-75 BDBBB      76-80 BBCBA

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
