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高二英语教案:World News

[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9139

【摘要】鉴于大家对www.xiaozhibei.com十分关注,小编在此为大家搜集整理了此文“高二英语教案:World News”,供大家参考!

本文题目:高二英语教案:World News


I. Warm-up:

1. Read and tell your partners about yourself.

1) Do you listen to the radio much? Which programmes?

2) How many hours of TV do you watch each week? What are your favourite TV programmes?

3) What magazines do you read regularly?

4) Do you sometimes use the Internet? What for?

5) Do you often read a newspaper? If so, which one?

2. Word bank:


newspaper the Internet ______________


II. Pre-reading:

1. Listen to the beginning of a radio programme and answer the following questions.

1) What is talked about in the programme? The _____ summit in __________.

2) What does G8 stand for?

3) What issue is going to be discussed on the summit?

How to deal with _______________.

III. While-reading:

1. Read the news and answer the following questions.

1) What is talked about on the meeting?

The topic on the agenda this week in _________ among the G8 leaders is how to ___________________________.

2) Why is this year’s meeting unusual?

3) What are some of the major problems in Africa?

4) How can the G8 nations help Africa’s poorest countries?

2. Read in detail and fill in the blanks.

1st paragraph The full name of G8: ________________

Formation: _________, __________, ________, ________,

__________ _________, __________, ________, ________

How often is the meeting held? _____________________

Discussion about: major problems that ____________________

2nd paragraph 1) ______________________

Many people cannot get the ______, _____, _____, _______ or

__________ ________.

2) ________

___________ and _____________ are extremely important.

3rd paragraph 1) Demand:

The debt of _____________________ should ____________.

__________ 2) Belief:

This is the only way to _______ their _______ pasts.

III. Post-reading: Grammar – the Passive

Tenses Forms Your sentences

(be + done)

一般过去时 was formed


be going to




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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语教案
